
May 13, 2006 17:59

Week Name/Date/Time:'Promises and Plans'/Thursday, 13 October, 2005/6:45 PM
Location: Courtyard
Open To: Skippy
Currently Involving: Juhi Saraf and Erik Cohen

....bored )


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erikcohen May 14 2006, 20:19:58 UTC
"Girly ink colours! And you didn't include me in that? I'm heartbroken Ninju, honestly. You know how much I love glitter," Erik said jokingly and pulled her in a little closer.

He wondered what the trouble with Mason was. He'd mentioned something about love lives, but Erik could admit to himself that he hadn't been the best mate he could be lately. He could remember his troubles of third year. Seemed pretty pointless now with all that he'd been through. And come to think of it, when was the last time he'd seen Clover? She was Juhi's best mate, well... best girl mate. Why had she not been around?

Erik froze as her mouth was suddenly against his ear. Something about Sebastian and... kissing? Well, no, that didn't really seem to go hand in hand, did it? Wasn't he the one who lived in the library and had odd eating habits? He didn't seem the type to go off snogging girls and such. He'd have to ask Daisy if she saw anything.

"Gryffindors? Well, I know that Phillip's been missing for the past couple of days. I haven't been particularly pleasant to him after he decided to throw hexes around, and come to think of it... where's Avery been? Or Bran and Soren? You know, I think I fell off the face of the planet this week," Erik answered her and sighed.

That wasn't like him at all.


juhi_saraf May 14 2006, 20:42:18 UTC
Juhi giggled. "I do know how much you love glitter, Skippy, but there weren't any with GLITTER. I knew you'd only be disappointed, see. Felt it best not to break your heart." She patted his knee consolingly.

"Phillip's been missing?" Juhi frowned. That didn't much sound like Phil, ESPECIALLY if Erik hadn't been particularly pleasant to him. Seemed more likely he'd be making his presence felt until everything was cleared up. "Come to think of it, I've not REALLY seen him since the greenhouse either. And I've not spoke to him. I...I can't really stay mad at Phil, either, though. Know he must be feeling frustrated and all." She glanced at Erik and changed the topic, sort of.

"AND I have not heard from Avery in ages either! I met Bran last week, did I tell you? He seems nice. Kinda funny. Knew me as the person who broke you wrist, but he said you were a good bloke. So naturally I like him just fine, I guess," she joked. "It sounds like the Gryffs have been surprisingly...well behaved, if you don't mind my saying so." She pulled a quill out of her cloak and began twirling it around between her fingers.


erikcohen May 14 2006, 20:55:59 UTC
"Already gotten yourself a reputation for violence? What would Zonko say?" Erik teased her.

It was actually really funny that she'd been recognized by Bran in that way. The Gryffindors had been particularly well behaved so far this week. Either that, or they'd been particularly bad behaved, and had done a good job of hiding what it was they were up to. Maybe they were doing something crazy like snogging in the restricted section. Who would do that, eh?

"Wait a minute, didn't I tell you to bring him along? Where is he, then? Not hiding, I presume," Erik realised and poked her in the side.

Obviously he hadn't been serious, but he didn't know if she knew that or not. Sometimes it was hard to tell!


juhi_saraf May 14 2006, 21:38:02 UTC
"An UNFAIR reputation for violence! Thanks to YOU! It's not as though I went around telling people I hurt you accidentally. Accidentally being the key word," she reminded him unnecessarily. "Only, I think Bran knew it was an accident, but thought it's because I'm PARTICULARLY bad at Defense, or terribly clumsy or something." Fabulous way to start out a relationship with the best friend of the DA's leader. As if on cue, Juhi missed a finger in her quill-twirling, and it fell to the ground.

She didn't move to pick it up right away, since she didn't particularly want to move away from Erik. At the mention of Zonko though, she leaned down and scooped it up, giving him an indignant look.

"I know you told me to bring him, and really, I can't believe you even suggested such a thing, wanting me to contact Zonko and all that, not putting MY SAFETY FIRST. I decided not to, but I DID bring you a fizzing whizbee instead." She pulled it out and handed it to him and put her quill on the bench beside them.

"I know it can't possibly make up for the lack of a creepy old man. You want I should go try to find Filch instead?" She raised her eyebrows.


erikcohen May 15 2006, 02:17:41 UTC
"What in the world are you talking about? I haven't been saying anything to anyone about my wrist. Not to make it seem as if I don't fancy the hell out of you, but I'm pretty sure my wrist has been the least of my troubles lately," Erik pointed out.

Where was she going? Wha....Oh. She'd dropped her quill. He listened to her rant about Zonko and shook his head. She was really freaked out by him, wasn't she? It was funny. Or at least he thought so!

"I didn't really want you to bring Zonko. I was just thinking about the fact that he did sort of give me the courage to you know... kiss you. I thought I was just being clever," he told her and shrugged.

No snogging? Fine. If that's the way it had to be. But, you know, really?

"No Filch, that's not... well, somehow that seems worse. No Zonko either, really. Can you imagine what it would be like to snog with someone watching you?"


juhi_saraf May 15 2006, 02:42:03 UTC
Juhi sniffed. "Well I don't know how Bran found out, then, and I'm not entirely sure I believe you." Though that, of course, was just teasing. She narrowed her eyes at him. "You fancy the hell out of me? Is that....GOOD?! It sounds a little agressive. Well. Maybe that's not quite right. It's odd though, that much I'm sure of." But it sounded as though he liked her a lot. Feeling pleased, she raised one eyebrow at him and tried not to smile.

Juhi began to feel as though maybe she had missed something. "I know you didn't really want me to bring Zonko. And I agree with you that it would be weird to snog with someone watching you," she refrained from pointing out that the first time he'd kissed her they'd been IN A STORE, "but I think that Filch is easily the less creepy option. HE would probably be delighted to see us in order to chase us off somewhere. Zonko would probably WATCH." She shuddered.

Wait, what? Was the mention of Zonko in the owl some sort of code for snogging? Juhi blinked at him.


erikcohen May 15 2006, 03:27:47 UTC
"Well, it could be aggressive," Erik said, wiggling his eyebrows as he did so.

He hoped she didn't punch him or something. He was kidding, really! He didn't actually want to think about all that statement could imply, kiitos.

In Erik's opinion, someone being DELIGHTED to watch them was much creepier than someone just watching, but he didn't argue her point. He knew what she meant... sort of. Now she was just blinking at him. What? What did he say?

He kissed her softly below her ear and began to laugh.

"You're weird."


juhi_saraf May 15 2006, 03:40:44 UTC
Juhi burst out laughing when Erik wiggled his eyebrows at her. Then she tried her best to look at him with what he called his seductive face, though she'd never made it before, and couldn't help worrying it wouldn't quite come off that way. Oh well.

"Well then, I guess it's a good thing I fancy the hell out of you too, whatever it means." She was sure about that, anyway. That however much Erik DID fancy her, it was reciprocated. Stupid Zonko, though. Why did he have to keep coming up, anyway?

WEIRD?! How dare he! That was just...she should...the nerve...

She looked at him hopelessly. "Yeah. I know."

"Anyway, YOU'RE the one who likes me, what's that say about you, hmmm?"


erikcohen May 15 2006, 03:59:33 UTC
She fancied the hell out of him? Good to hear, and hilarious to hear it come out of her mouth.

He'd called her weird and she said 'I know'? That wasn't normal. Maybe this kissing thing had some advantages. He'd have to look into it sometime.

"Hmmn... I'd say it means I'm even more weird, but I'm willing to accept that. You know, if it get's me fancied the hell out of," he responded and grinned.

She had a pretty good seductive face, but he held back. Couldn't have himself looking weak, could he?


juhi_saraf May 15 2006, 04:15:43 UTC
Juhi snickered. "Gets you fancied the hell out of? Our grammar is slowly going to pieces. But as for being weird. Yes, it's best if you just accept it. Makes everything else much easier, and honestly, enjoyable."

Mmmnn. She kissed him lightly below the ear, where he had kissed her. It was a nice spot, really, she'd probably not have thought of it otherwise.

Then she poked him in the ribs. "For instance, remember those cherubs? If we weren't weird enough to find them hysterical, that could have been rather embarassing. And not very much fun at all." She looked a little sad. "It is somewhat disappointing, though, that horrid shop affected the way I see pink. Once upon a time I would have been ECSTATIC about my ink, but I'm only excited." Awwww, sad.


erikcohen May 15 2006, 20:18:16 UTC
Enjoyable? Very much so.

"Who needs grammar? Grammar's not all that important," Erik decided aloud and sighed.

"Ninju," he murmured as she kissed him below the ear. Why'd she have to go and do that back? Drove him mental, honestly. He was never, ever going to neglect her again. Nothing better could possibly come along. Unless Snape decided to dance on the tables in the Great Hall or something. He might just think that worthwhile, simply for the memory. She'd understand.

"When the two cherubs crashed into each other? That was brilliant!" Erik said excitedly and began to laugh at the image forever burned into his brain.

Pink hadn't been ruined for him, but he hadn't been that big a fan of the colour in the first place. Green was slightly tainted now, however, and blue was starting to grow on him.

"Well, pink ink is definitely better than that stupid shop. I'm sure it's just lovely," he said, mostly to humor her, and buried his face in her hair again.

This was good.


juhi_saraf May 15 2006, 22:36:43 UTC
Juhi gave Erik a scandalized look. "Grammar not important?!" She put her hand on her heart and rolled her eyes. "I can't believe you would dare to say such a thing. To me, of all people." HONESTLY.

She grinned at him as he laughed at the memory of cherubs crashing together. "It was pretty good," she agreed. "Mostly cause of the violins, I think. The only good thing that happened in that place, really." Her eyes widened and face turned on the bench, facing him.

"Not that I'm sorry we went in, understand! Have to try everything you can at least once, right?" Erik probably agreed with that philosophy, right? "Well, except every flavor of Bertie Botts." She certainly wasn't sorry about ANYTHING that had happened that day, in Hogsmeade for sure. The colour pink wasn't THAT important, after all.

Very nice of him to humour her with a response to the ink comment, and she was about to thank him when he snuggled her again. Her train of thought somewhat derailed, Juhi tilted her head to the side so that cheek was resting against Erik's hair. "You smell nice. Don't listen to Bea."


erikcohen May 15 2006, 23:09:04 UTC
There she went insulting Bertie Bott's again! Why was it that he liked her? Oh yeah, she told him things like he smelled nice. But wait... Bea had sent her a note too? That girl was trouble. He groaned, indicating he thought so, and then kissed Juhi's temple.

"Thank you, at least I know someone will defend me this year," Erik said quietly and pouted for a moment, making things more dramatic as usual.

"I'm sorry I'm all over you, but you smell good too..." Erik apologized, but then began to laugh.

She smelled good, honestly, but what? He was too content to think before speaking.


juhi_saraf May 16 2006, 01:51:54 UTC
Juhi laughed softly when Erik groaned, she assumed at Bea, and scooted closer to him. She shivered when he kissed her temple, and vaguely wished he would stop doing that, except, no. Not really.

"Hey now, don't say that. Plenty of people defend you and love you, and you know it. Even Bea would stand up for you if someone else was honestly giving you a hard time, right?" She put her arms around his neck.

She wanted to tell him she'd be defending him for much longer than this year, but couldn't bring herself to. It seemed a bit too...something. Cheesy? Serious?

She laughed at him, but smiled at the compliment. "Thank you, but why are you apologizing? I don't seem to be enjoying it?" She brushed his hair back and kissed his temple. Only fair, after all.


erikcohen May 16 2006, 02:40:36 UTC
Erik wondered if it was possible to feel more content than he did just then. Well, probably, had his brother been alive, but life wasn't exactly fair, so it was best to live in the moment. So why did he choose now to let a few tears drop? They were an odd mix of happy, sad, and salt... and he turned his head so they didn't fall into Juhi's hair.

"I know, I know she would. So many of you would, but I don't... I don't really want that. I want to take care of them instead, not the other way around," Erik told her, his stubborn side showing full force.

He wanted to be brave. He wanted to tell her so when she kissed his temple, but he pushed his lips to hers instead.

When he pulled back, his eyes were still glistening, but he knew he was okay.

"Ninju..." he said, voice trailing off. He didn't know how to say it, he didn't know how to say what he meant.

So, Erik Cohen said nothing, which was very unlike him indeed.


juhi_saraf May 16 2006, 22:07:36 UTC
Juhi looked down when Erik turned his head, and noticed that he was crying. She felt an odd sort of twisting near her heart; almost like pain but somehow...not wholly unpleasant. Her own eyes began to sting, and she blinked in surprise at herself.

Breathing in and out slowly so as not to disturb him, Juhi listened as Erik spoke. "It's almost nice, though. Everyone wanting to look out for each other, I mean." She kept her voice soft, so that it wouldn't betray how emotional she felt. "Not a very bright bright side maybe...uhm since it doesn't make up for the situation..." she trailed off.

The kiss. Everything that had happened to Erik snuck up on her during that kiss. Everything that could possibly happen to any of them, and everything that HAD happened between the two of them. When he pulled back Juhi looked at him helplessly, more than a little embarassed. After all, he seemed BETTER, and she hardly ever cried in the first place, but a few stray tears left her eyes now.

She took a deep breath and wiped her face with the back of her hand. "This," she said, "is definitely worse than when you laughed." SHE laughed a little, now, and looked at him as though confused at herself. "Sorry, Skippy."


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