
May 13, 2006 13:43

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Promises and Plans' / Monday, Oct 10 / 9 PM
Location: Quidditch Pitch
Open To: Trefor
Currently Involving: Zoe

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trefor May 14 2006, 00:19:26 UTC
Trefor ran his sweaty palms down the outside of his robes over and over again. Walking towards the Qudditch feild he realized how many of his memories centered on it. All of the games, the practices, the wins, and losses. Also all of the times he'd tried to teach Zoe to fly. He still had the scars.

Zoe was already there standing in literally the middle of the field looking adorably cold. His pulse quickened. This was the hard part...talking to Zoe. For some reason things never came out the way he wanted them to around Zoe.

He raised his hand in a hello as he jogged over. "Hey Zo, thanks for...err..meeting me." Slick. Real slick.


zoe_clarke May 14 2006, 00:46:28 UTC
"That's fine although there better be a good reason I'm freezing my metaphorical 'nads off here," she said with a smirk as Trefor approached her. She eyed him off and noticed he didn't seem to feel the cold at all. Damn boys and their inability to feel things! She looked around him to the Quidditch change rooms which were starting to look mighty appealing, but she'd see what Treff and how long they'd be here before she dragged him off. If he wanted to teach her to fly they'd only be here a very short time.

She did notice that he didn't look entirely comfortable though, so she motioned to the ground. "Care to take a seat?"


trefor May 14 2006, 00:55:43 UTC
Trefor slipped his robes off revealing a dark green sweater and jeans. He wrapped it around Zoe's shoulders and pulled her hair out. He'd forgotten how soft her hair was. His hands shook, but not from the cold.

"Well I'm not out here to try and teach you to fly again. I'm not a masochist. Well mostly." Ugh. Why couldn't he just speak like a normal human being. He grimaced. Zoe was going to think he was a lunatic.

He sat down indian style on the grass and tilted his head back to look up at the dark sky. He sighed and concentrated on the issue at hand.

"Better? I wouldn't want you to freeze to death before we talked. It would mean I wasted all afternoon getting my thoughts together, and we both know how hard it is for me to think that much." He forced a laugh. Merlin he was a wreck.


zoe_clarke May 14 2006, 01:13:59 UTC
Zoe's heart was about to explode, she was sure it was. How could he do things like with the robe and the hair and NOT KNOW what effect he was having on her? Did he not hear her heart thumping loudly? Did he somehow miss the way her breath hitched in her throat every time he touched her?

She bit back a laugh at the masochist comment. Anyone that was friends with Zoe had to be somewhat of a masochist. Instead she sat down opposite him, closer than she would have preferred. Their knees were touching. Was her body somehow magnetically drawn to his? She must be a masochist too. Who else would put themselves through such torture knowing that nothing could come of it? He'd only ever think of her as a friend. She had to move on. She had to listen to what he was saying!

Trefor had forced a laugh, so Zoe forced one out too, even though she'd had no idea what he'd said. Oh Merlin, his face looked sickly. What on earth did he have to tell her?


trefor May 14 2006, 01:19:15 UTC
Zoe was being Zoe. Why couldn't Trefor be himself? She had sat down smiling, close to him, so close they were touching. Even through his jeans he could feel the warmth of her. It was killing him. He was torn. If they stayed this close he couldn't control himself, and if he moved away she might think he was angry.

He chose to stand up. "Hey you wanna take a walk? Down by the lake I mean?" He held his hand out.


zoe_clarke May 14 2006, 01:28:16 UTC
Zoe didn't know whether to chuck her shoe at him or cry when he stood up. If that didn't speak volumes about how he felt for her then Zoe didn't know how else she could get the message. Get him to spit in her face? With a quiet sigh she took his hand and stood up, letting go of it quickly. Wouldn't want him to have to hold her hand too long, as she was obviously repulsive. She knew she should have started jogging with Cyrus a few weeks ago.

It didn't really make sense though. Even after their first break-up, Treff never had a problem with Zoe's touchy-feely attitude, why would he start to now? It suddenly hit her what he wanted to talk about. He knew she liked him. He knew how she felt and he'd brought her down here to tell her he didn't feel the same. That they should probably stop being friends because her affection was becoming embarrassing.


trefor May 14 2006, 01:33:47 UTC
When Zoe dropped his hand he knew. He knew she was just being Zoe friend Zoe. He shoved his hands deep in the pockets of his jeans and started walking. Zoe took a minute to catach up but then they were walking side by side towards the lake.

"I asked you down here because I wanted to talk to you without everyone else around. I wanted to apologize for not being around much lately. I just...you know..couldn't handle...it" Trefor couldn't look at her. He knew if he did he would turn bright red and start stuttering. Instead he focused on the dark surface of the lake.


zoe_clarke May 14 2006, 01:46:05 UTC
He couldn't handle it. There were the words out of his very own mouth. He couldn't handle Zoe's attraction. Was she really that obvious? She thought she had been pretty subtle but then he was her bet friend. He of all people should know how she felt.

She wrapped his robe tighter around herself and let her hair fall around her face as she looked at the ground. She didn't know what to say. Her stomach felt like it was in her throat. Here it was. The end of their 10 year friendship.

But it wasn't fair. First and foremost he was supposed to be her best friend. How could he throw their friendship away so easily? She could get over him. She'd have to.

"Don't do this Treff. I can change. Just gimme some time and I'll make it go away, I promise." She kept her eyes to the ground, afraid of his reaction.


trefor May 14 2006, 01:57:52 UTC
Oh Merlin this was far worse then what he was prepared to handle. She couldn't even look at him. The fact that he himself couldn't look at her hadn't registered.

"Zoe I don't think you can make it just go away." He said a little bitterly. "I mean when the thing with Sebastian happened, and then with Soren in the hallway...I mean I know it was a joke but still...I just..." Trefor rubbed his face roughly trying to clear his thoughts.

He stopped and turned to Zoe. "I can't handle being your friend anymore."


zoe_clarke May 14 2006, 02:17:39 UTC
Zoe felt like she was going to pass out. It was over. Trefor didn't want to be her friend anymore because she couldn't control herself around him. She didn't quite understand what Sebastian and Soren had to do with anything though. The truth was, the only thing she could concentrate on was the blood pounding in her ears and the words "I can't handle being your friend anymore" ringing through her mind.

It wasn't fair. Why did she have to be punished over something she couldn't control? Why couldn't he give her a second chance?

"Treff please," she sniffed, tears pooling in her eyes, "don't do this. Don't throw away 10 years of friendship just because of some silly schoolgirl crush. I'll get over you if you just give me some time! Please!"


trefor May 14 2006, 02:23:18 UTC
Trefor was a complete idiot, because at the first sign of Zoe crying he started rambling like an idiot.

"Zoe, please don't cry. It's not that I don't want to be your friend it's just that I can't be your friend if I can't accept what makes you happy, and if other blokes make you happy and not me, well I can't accept that and be your friend and..." Trefor stopped. Talking.

I'll get over you if you just give me some time!

Trefor's brain shut down. He stood there speechless and completely unable to move. He was pretty sure his mouth was gaping open also.


zoe_clarke May 14 2006, 02:36:43 UTC
Hang on, that didn't make sense. It was like time had stopped and the words were appearing in front of her for her to examine.

If other blokes make you happy and not me, I can't accept that.

Did those words mean what they sounded like they meant? She studied Trefor's face which held nothing but shock. At her words. He didn't know that she... And she didn't know that he...

Zoe felt weak at the knees and kind of...sank to the ground. All this time they both thought... It was hard to get her mind around it.


trefor May 14 2006, 02:43:58 UTC
Zoe looked about as shocked as he felt. Hadn't she just said she liked him? Hadn't he just said the same thing only in a more round about stupid boy way?

Why was she falling to the ground then? Trefor dropped to his knees reaching out for her.

"Zoe! Are you alright? I didn't mean to scare you...I mean..." He rested his hands lighting on her shoulders. "Hell I don't know what I mean." He pulled her to him in a hug wrapping his arms around her neck.

"I've wanted to do this for so long." He whispered.


zoe_clarke May 14 2006, 03:03:22 UTC
As Treff dropped down in front of her, Zoe reached blindly out to touch him lightly, just to make sure he was real. She somehow missed him completely but was rewarded a second later when he pulled her in close for a hug.

All trace of tears had gone, instead replaced by sheer shock. He whispered to her that he had wanted to hug her for so long.

"What are you talking about," she said, pulling back slightly. "We hug all the time." Not that they had ever hugged like this before. Rules of friendship dictated that there must be at least a 5 centimetre gap between the bodies of hugging friends. There wasn't room between them now for even the tiniest molecule.


trefor May 14 2006, 03:13:33 UTC
Trefor pulled back enough to see Zoe's face. She'd stopped crying; that was a good sign.

"I mean to hug you without worrying that I was being too friendly or not friendly enough. Mostly just worrying." He felt the tips of his ears burn.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to talk to you. Just no time seemed right." He tucked a loose chunk of her hair behind her ear.

"Hey I've got an idea." He pulled them to their feet and took Zoe by the hand. He seached in the pockets of his robe, which she was still wearing, for his wand. Pulling it out he pointed at the castle. "Accio Comet."


zoe_clarke May 14 2006, 03:28:47 UTC
Zoe nodded. The worrying was over. She finally smiled as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and she smiled even wider when she did the same thing to him.

It felt, well, spectacular to hold his hand again and though there were worries in the back of her mind, she pushed them further away. Now wasn't the time to deal with them. After waiting so long to finally have him like this again, she wasn't going to spoil the mood with concerns that could wait at least another day.

Zoe's face screwed up as Trefor summoned his broom. He was a masochist! She smiled however, and tugged on his hand. "I have a better idea," she said and stood on her tiptoes to lightly press her lips against his.


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