
May 10, 2006 20:04

Week Name/Date/Time: Promises and Plans/Wednesday, October 13th, 2006/ 8:35am
Location: Random First Floor Corridor
Open to: Wes (Muwahahah)
Currently Involving: Grady Bucher

What lovely spells one can cast... )

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grady_bucher May 11 2006, 23:25:19 UTC
At the sight of Wes, Grady stiffened. His expression did not become any less carefree, but his pulse raced. He hadn't actually been expecting for the Slytherin to show up. He considered himself a generally lucky person, but apparently he had used his supplies all up, and was running on reserve - the stuff he kept for situation like this.

Grady watched as Wes reach for a his wand and not remove it from his pocket. He had the slight inclination that he should perhaps stand up, but his pride kept him seated firmly in his chair. "Broderick," he replied cooly, realizing that Wes was probably the only person he ever called by only a last name. It made him smirk - was the only they did not get along because Grady was a blood traitor? And so it was: rivals in nearly everything, except now Grady was out of quidditch. A decision he was rethinking right then; anything that happened today could be officially settled during a match.

Oh yes. That was it, practicing. His smirk turned into a wry grin as he nodded. "Only if you've been scouting the halls for another student to torture." It was no secret what had happened, or at the very least it was a nearly-confirmed rumor. Grady's eyebrows raised expectantly, his head tilting as if waiting for an answer.

((Do you think that you could accept me (morbid_ambition) for Sugar Quills so I can see Bunny's TG art?))


wesleybroderick May 12 2006, 00:15:55 UTC
((Sure, if you apply to join... ^_~))

Scouting the halls for another student to torture. Ah, Wesley had to love the rumours that flew around. Of course, no one had proved anything, and that Gryffindor had been smart enough to keep his mouth shut around anyone who could actually do something to him. Not that he would have cared if Albus Dumbledore himself had found out, but the fact that he hadn't made things infinitely easier.

"Oh yes, because we all know that I've nothing better to do with my time than look around for some dumb Gryffindor to torture. No, unlike you, Bucher," he replied icily, "I've actual things that I do with my days. Things that don't include sitting around waiting for something to fall on me."

Oh, how he wished he could be the one to make that particular statement come true. How hilarious it would be to make a statue crush Grady Bucher right where he sat. Unfortunately, that kind of thing couldn't be construed as an accident, so he was forced to keep himself from acting.



grady_bucher May 12 2006, 00:46:39 UTC
((That always helps. I just thought that I had. -_-))

Rubbing his chin, Grady's fingers were prickled by his whiskers. Mmm yes, the lazy bum that he was hadn't shaved this morning. "Things hmm? Working on getting to be more of a bloody git, I see." Waiting for things to fall on him? He had to resist the urge to look above him, and just kept looking at Wes. Even if the boy opposite him was going to get nasty, Grady would try his best to remain reasonably civial. Of course, the anger was bubbling inside him.

If anything, that was what bothered Grady most about Wes: his unbreakable sense of arrogance. Wes almost acted as if nothing could ever touch him. Grady thought that his rival needed to be put in his place, but who and how someone would go about that was a different story.

Without thinking of it, Grady shot a sharp glare in Wes' direction. He never understood how killing people for power would be a suitable option, and constantly wondered where Wes got his influence. His parents seemed like the most likely place, but did none of the future death eaters have minds of their own?


wesleybroderick May 12 2006, 00:50:05 UTC
"Working on getting to be more of an idiot, I see," Wes replied without hesitation. Grady wasn't the best sparring partner when it came to verbal attacks, but he wasn't the worst either. At least Wes got to practice on him, and that was always helpful.

He was tired of standing there in front of the boy as though he were waiting for something, so he headed for the wall, leaning casually against it as though they were having the most pleasant conversation in the world. Really, anyone looking at them couldn't have thought anything but that. "Can't come up with anything better than 'git'? Why do I even tolerate you?"

It was a rhetorical question, of course. He didn't exactly tolerate Grady anyway.


grady_bucher May 15 2006, 01:21:28 UTC
Grady shook his head slowly, not in disagreement however. Instead in awe. Of course that was what he did: worked on becoming more of an idiot every day. He supposed that arguments like this would also be a good way to do that as well.

Grady rolled his wand in his pocket, hoping that he wouldn't have to use it. He figured that Wes would not hex him, but there was always a chance and he did not want to risk it.

"Because you have to?" he offered smugly. It was a lie to say that Wes had to leave him be. He was just hopeful that the relation between their families and his blood line protected him. A duel was the last thing he wanted to break out on the first floor in the early morning.


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