Okay! I've finished tallying Week 001, and we had some great participation! I hope you guys are having as much fun with this game as we are. Feel free to go back and finish up your threads in Week 001 if you need/want to. :)
There're a couple things that I'd like to remind you, mostly to keep me sane when I'm tallying.
I counted the short short comments for this week, but please remember that we'd like a minimum of four sentences (a paragraph) per post, so that we're all giving the other players enough to go on!
Please please try to stay in a posting order. Meaning, if A posts, and B joins, then A posts again, and then C joins, it's B's turn, not A's. And then it would go A, C, B, A, C, B, A, etc.
And please don't make any purely OOC comments. I'm doing a lot of the tallying by just dividing the number of comments in the thread (all the ones that have only two people in them) but it screws up the numbers if there are OOC comments in there. Thanks!
And nooooooow, for the Week 001 tally!
Gryffindor: 291
feidhelm - 104
magelet - 79
iplaykazoo41 - 58
_hollywood_girl - 24
midnightdream__ - 13
industrikitty - 7
sievemaster - 6
Ravenclaw: 339
ohthatisbadnews - 81
acinnamonpeeler - 68
rhowan_jane - 62
weemumlessmngrl - 53
nyreak - 30
imthelobster - 29
esrielle - 11
astraevirgo - 4
cherrysk8fan - 1
Slytherin: 318
caffeinerain - 99
unwoundfantasy - 93
sleep_x_dream - 47
seaborne - 44
lessthangreat - 17
amethystwind - 15
lunaticmoon_63 - 3
Hufflepuff: 109
rindiggfelt - 49
rocknrollpixie - 27
skadi101 - 14
bettsta - 12
mr_yer_on_fire - 7