Hogsmeade Mayor (1)

Feb 02, 2014 15:54

Everyone can vote in this poll.

Please select ONE applicant.


What kind of availability do you have for planning and running Hogsmeade weekends? I make my own work hours and have no scheduled weekend hours. My weekends are pretty bland anyway. I don't even leave the house sometimes because cold and when I do it's usually just to eat dinner somewhere.

What would you like to do with Hogsmeade Weekends? Suggestions? I would love if more of the activities were inter-related somehow, not necessarily dependent on each other as that can get quite overwhelming, but perhaps following some sort of narrative. Maybe not for every Hogsmeade but I can imagine a "choose your own adventure" theme or something similar, with an overlying story. Otherwise Hogsmeade works very well. Participation is high.

Why are you interested in being the Hogsmeade Mayor? It seems like so much fun!


What kind of availability do you have for planning and running Hogsmeade weekends? I work a 9-5 Mon-Fri job in front of a computer, so I won’t have to worry about requesting off from work for Hogsmeade weekends and I always have access to email to discuss logistics or calculate points during the week if needed. It is not a problem for me to block off a weekend socially if I know when it is in advance (which….totally will) and even if I have to run out somewhere I am surgically attached to my iphone. I can always be reached. A L W A Y S

What would you like to do with Hogsmeade Weekends? Suggestions? I really think that open and prompt communication is essential. An open line of communication between the two Mayors, the Flourish mods and the activity runners, as well as members, makes the weekend a smooth and fun experience. As noted above, I am always available and able to be reached. With that being said -

Spreadsheet: I think having a community wide spreadsheet is something that could be handy. I know some (all?) houses have a ~*~private~*~ one, but this way there is one for people to use if they would like and it would also be less work for whoever normally puts together the house only spreadsheet, thus giving them more time to enjoy the weekend :3 The roundup in the sidebar is fantastic (seriously, I use it constantly and adore when it is rapidly updated) but I also lose track of what I have and haven’t done and need to see it all laid out before me. I would have the spreadsheet with open editing so people can keep track of their own progress themselves.

More detailed theme list for Flourish: I know sometimes there is confusion for shop and stall owners, as well as people in the sigtag sale as to what is and isn’t considered themed for making tags. I think it would be a good idea to list things that are and aren’t considered themed for the weekend to make things easier for everyone and inspire tag makers and activity runners.

More notice: Has anyone ever complained about having the weekend theme announced super far ahead? I THINK NOT. I think giving ample room between theme announcement and the weekend itself will benefit everyone (ahem, Mayors included)

Early Flourish Catalogs: This is obviously something that would have to be run by the mods, but I can say that as someone who has run Flourish shop/stalls before at Hogsmeade it can be stressful trying to get your catalog together and posted in the middle of the initial Hogsmeade rush. If we allowed the shops/stalls to post their catalogs a day early it would allow more time for ordering and free up the makers a bit so they have more time to breathe and enjoy Hogsmeade.

Make note on the schedule if an activity has placement based on time submitted: The vast majority of activities last the entire weekend and you get just as many points no matter when you submit. However, there are some activities where placement is based on the time submitted. I don’t think there is anything inherently wrong about having these activities during Hogsmeade, but I think there should be a note on the schedule that this is the case so people can be sure to make that a priority for quick completion if they are interested in placement.

Why are you interested in being the Hogsmeade Mayor? Would I be applying if I didn’t love Hogsmeade and what it brings to the community at large? I SAY NAY TO THEE. I love how it’s overwhelming, but in a fantastic way. You get caught up in the swirl of activity and social posts and excitement. New members, old members, it doesn’t matter. I’ve been in this community for awhile and Hogsmeade has never, at any point, lost its magic for me. I think this past Hogsmeade was fantastic and I would love to be a part of the team and make the rest for this term just as great.

Poll Hogsmeade Mayor (1)
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