Friday Five!

Jan 25, 2013 06:08

HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! Or HAPPY SATURDAY for those of you on the other side of the world! :) You know what I've been thinking about lately besides Thorin Oakenshield and his majesticness? Stress. And how so far, 2013 has started shaping up much like it's predecessor - a year that nearly everyone I know would've liked to have cursed into oblivion. Sometimes, we all just need a break, you know? So...

What are five simple things that you could do for yourself right now to make you happy and relaxed?

You must post Your Name | Your House | Your Time Zone to get credit.
You must post in your insomniacs hours, which is midnight to 8AM, your time.
This is a social post, so once you make your initial response during your insomniacs time, you can comment to anyone else at any time, after!


term xxv, friday five

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