Now that I've had time to get things running and look over your Survey responses, it's time for an informational post. Some of this will be review for the old school among you, but some is new, so please take a look.
I signed up to be
hih_insomniacs MOD because it's the only HiH community which allows off topic posts, is open to all four houses, and can be joined immediately upon being sorted. I believe it's an invaluable way to promote inter-house friendships and unity. So I'll be doing as much as I can to make this an active social community again. However, I welcome compulsive point earners too, and I want those of you who are in it for the points to find what you need quickly and easily.
- If you're interested only in house points, there will be a new tag for points-earning activities, linked on the sidebar. This will filter out all social posts.
- There will continue to be two contests and four scavenger hunts per month.
- These activities not only earn house points, but also knuts to spend at hh_diagon!
- Monthly contest awards are the standard 50/40/30/10 points and 20/15/10/5 knuts for placement and participation.
- Scavenger hunt participants are given 10 points/5 knuts for each completed activity.
- Starting with May Monthly Contest #2, contest voting will be rewarded with 2 points.
- Each month, the most active Insomniac participant will be named Insomniac of the Month. That lucky HiHer will receive an award sigtag, their name posted in the user info, and 50 points for their house! Activity will be determined first by points-earning activities, then by voting, and lastly by optional activities (including social posts).
That's sixty points and thirty knuts per month for participation alone! Woo!
- Unlike other HiH communities, hih_insomniacs participants may only submit activity entries or responses to social posts during the hours of midnight to 8 am. If you post for points during any other hours, you won't receive points or knuts and that would be tragic.
- Each time you post for points you must include your name, house, and time zone.
There will be no exceptions to the rule. If you forget one of the requirements, please delete your entry and repost. This will keep things neat, make it easier to award points, and translate into you getting your points/knuts quickly and accurately. See? Win, win. - You may vote at any time of the day. Include your name/house on all votes, or you will not earn points for voting.
SOCIAL POSTS (non points-earning activities):
- Discussions about anything are fine, Harry Potter related or not. Off topic is allowed (and encouraged)!
- For the Friday Five or link activities, please make your initial response during the designated hours of midnight to 8 am.
- After your initial response, you may comment and respond to comments at any time.
- Friending posts - want someone to chat with until the wee hours of the morning? Post!
- Have a meme or quiz you want to share? Wonderful!
- Always include your name//house//time zone (or use a sigtag) when posting/replying.
This community is for getting to know other HiHers, and it helps to know who you are.
Please, please, please. Contribute your ideas! I want to make this an active social community again, but I can't do it if every post is from me. If you'd like to do a Friday Five or link activity, let me know so I don't have to plan one that week. If you come across a good meme, but don't have the time/inclination to post it, send it to me at the suggestion post.
- Absolutely and under no circumstances will house bashing of any sort be permitted.
Consequences will be dire, so just don't do it. - No DRAMA. That does not mean you cannot have a difference of opinion, it just means be respectful. Or else!
What I will be continuing (or bringing back) from previous terms
- House Ambassodors
- Birthday Roundups
- Friday Five
- Insomniac of the Month
- Monthly Calendar
What I will be doing differently
- The points-earning tag - so compulsive earners don't have to view social posts.
- The current activities tag - includes all activities with open deadlines, including social posts.
- No remembrall posts. That's why I have ambassadors. *g*
- 2 points for voting on contests, starting with Contest #2.
- For the Friday Five memes, I'll sometimes substitute a quick link activity, where you follow the link to a quiz, then post your results here. If you guys like them, they might increase in frequency.
- Many of you informed me that you're unable to participate in graphics activities. Consequently, I will provide an alternative way to participate whenever possible.
Questions? Comments? Let me know. Comments to this post are not screened.
If you prefer your comment to be screened, there is a screened
suggestion post in place and you may drop any concerns or suggestions you have for the community there as well.
And get some sleep! Or not. Caffeine is a wonderful substitute. :)