A huge favor!

Mar 10, 2021 11:22

Hi friends!

I know I haven't been around very much recently, but I have a super huge favor to ask of any of you that might see this.

I'm in a writing competition over on Dreamwidth that is based on Survivor (the TV show). I've made the Final Four (yay!), but I really, really, really want to make the Final Three and get to go to the finale. I figure this is as close as I'll ever get to being on TV Survivor, so I'd love to make it all the way.

But I'm pretty sure if I don't win immunity this week that my fellow competitors are going to vote me out, and the way we win immunity is getting the most votes in the poll.

So that said, if anyone wouldn't mind voting for me, I'd super, super appreciate it, and I would totally owe you one! It is on Dreamwidth but you can vote using your LJ account, and voting is open until 9p EST tomorrow (Thursday).

Thank you so much everyone!

You can vote here.
And if you'd like, you can read my entry for this week here.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


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