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PART TWO ex_absolute March 14 2009, 00:06:54 UTC
Cedric…Okay, I don’t know if I know enough about him to re-sort him. However, his ambition at the end (he could have just let Harry have the cup, and I think a true Hufflepuff would have. It isn’t about winning for them, it is more the satisfaction of doing their best, and helping others to do their best as well) that would probably swing me more towards putting him in Slytherin if he had to be re-sorted.

Draco, I think, with the right upbringing could have very well been a Hufflepuff. Don’t laugh at me, I’m serious! I think it was his family that ultimately made him a Slytherin. He doesn’t seem to be particularly cunning or ambitious. He isn’t particularly clever or dominating even. His has a very soft personality, and I think, truthfully, he’d rather help than harm. He couldn’t kill Dumbledore could he? If say, Dumbledore had raised him, I think his humanitarian side could have been tapped and nurtured. It is often said that he is a clone of his father, and I think that’s true. His father molded him into what he wanted, not what Draco actually was.

4. Which house to do you see the most in yourself? Give concrete examples.

ETA: I re-read this and realized that I gave no real concrete examples. Fixing that now.

Oh, the difficult question. Okay, probably Gryffindor. And I’m looking at me as a whole, not just in social situations.

I’ve got natural oratory skills and the confidence to use them. As long as I am making a point I believe in, I can spin it into something people will want to believe. However, I don’t do it is the same fashion as Brutus from Julius Caesar. I am not emotionally cold. I connect with what I am saying because it is my opinion. It is what I believe in.

+We recently had an assignment in school, and it was a speech. Now, part of this example is that everyone loved my speech. They understood it, learned from it, and found it a whole lot less boring than everyone else's. However, my teacher only gave it 20/25. Now, I wasn't happy with the grade, but I didn't spazz at my teacher to change it. However, I did defend my case when she tried to tell me I was wrong.

+I had a teacher who was constantly patronizing. He was a real bastard, but everyone thought he was oh-so-nice. I stuck by my guns though. I held to my opinion that he was awful, and, in the end, he proved to everyone with his petty and immature comments that he was a pretty rotten guy, but I didn't let the fact that everyone refused to believe me at first keep me down.

+My mother and father got divorced. My dad was always ragging on my mom. He was putting her down a lot in front of us. He made my sister cry. So I told him to stop. I didn't care if he got angry. He made my little sister cry for heaven sake! You don't just get away with that.

My worst sin is pride (which I believe goes for all houses, but it has always been associated with Gryffindor for some reason?). I’m not afraid to say I am good at something. I mean, I don’t go crazy over the top. I can admit when I am wrong (er, most of the time).


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