We have another 6 applications for this batch as we wind down towards the end of the term. There's a few spots open for the second half of the month as well. Remember if you haven't applied yet we hope you will think about buying the books, applying and joining us at
hih_wilderness where you can earn both points for your house and knuts for yourself.
Application #523
House: Gryffindor
Best Trait:
I have a true and genuine desire to help people. I always put others before myself. I believe it is the thing that makes me a good teacher, I have a genuine desire to see my students acheive their own personal goals and dreams and fulfill their potential. My fiancée often says that I am far too self-sacrificing and that I should look out for myself a bit more, especially as sometimes I will find myself taken advantage of, but I think the world could do with a few more people who put others first. Selfish people upset me.
Worst Trait:
Obsessive. There is no middle ground with me - I either love something, or I hate it. And if I love it, you can guarantee that I will spend all my time obsessing over it. This includes fandoms (Glee and Harry Potter) as well as people (luckily my fiancée finds it endearing rather than creepy, lol) and my job. I say that this is a bad trait, because it often means that my priorities can get a bit fucked up, or that my relationships can suffer.
Do you like to have people around you, or are you more of a loner?
I'm a people person. Sure, I like my alone time, but generally I prefer having company - whether that just be my fiancée, or a few friends, or a whole gathering of people at a party.
Are you more outgoing or shy? Do you think this would change when you are in your animagus form?
I'm outgoing. Never afraid to talk to strangers, even if I do warn the children in my class against it, lol! I hope to be the same in animagus form ^_^
Please give an accurate description of your appearance; pictures are welcome!
Short dark hair, glasses and a cheeky grin What kind of environment would you feel most comfortable in: air, water or earth?
I like all of them really. Being able to fly sounds amazing! Although, I'm not a massive fan of things that fly... like birds. I don't like birds really - apart from quirky ones like puffins and kiwi birds - and kiwi birds don't fly anyway. Or insects - NO ME GUSTA. Swimming would be awesome - I'm not a particuarly good swimmer in my human form, so maybe as an animagus it would be great to give it a whirl, although I don't think I would like to live underwater permanently... so maybe a land animal that can swim, but doesn't have to live in water all the time?
What's your favourite kind of weather?
SNOW!!!! I love snow so much I can't even contain how excited I am by it. I would go and live with eskimos if I seriously thought I could.
Favourite time of day (or night)?
Hmmm... I'm gonna say morning. SUNRISE! So pretty, and so full of promise for a new start and a new day ^_^ I'm an early bird - teacher body clock, yo - and so am happy being up and about at the crack of dawn.
Are there any traits you think you might like your animagus form to have?
I'd quite like to be cute - objective, I know, but yeah... I wanna look good on sigtags, lol! Ummm... in seriousness, I'd quite like paws.
What capabilities is it important that your animagus form have?
I would like to be helpful in some way. Camouflage would be cool, but it's not a dealbreaker.
Are there any traits or capabilities which you absolutely do not want?
I don't want to be scary.
Are there any animals that you feel drawn to or have a connection with?
Not really, I prefer dogs to cats but I like both to be honest. I have a pet tortoise (Sheldon) who is pretty awesome, and at school we have a pet rabbit who is cute as a button. I like most animals really :D
Are there any animals you are afraid of or strongly dislike?
I don't like horses (they are pretentious...) and I'm not a fan of birds (no idea why, I just don't) and I'm scared of most bugs.
Why would you like to be an animagus?
So that I can exploooooooore! I also think it would be an awesome way to help from another point of view - a way to be useful in a way I can't be in my human form :D
Application #524
House: Ravenclaw
Best Trait:
I'll go with passionate. I think I have a lot of good traits, but this one is a lot more evident than others - I tend to be passionate about things I love and hate, passionate about doing things, passionate about learning, passionate about people. I just ... am always on overdrive and have very little middle ground. I rarely feel 'meh' about something - I either LOVE IT or HATE IT. So I think that is a good thing, as it means I've often very clear about how I feel, and I pursue things I'm interested in with a singlemindedness that makes me often accomplish things more quickly or better than I hope when starting out.
Worst Trait:
Kind of tied in to the last one - I'm emotional. As with the passion, I tend to have very strong feelings of anger, disgust, insecurity, love, desire, frustration, etc. I often make decisions based on emotion, and often let my emotions overwhelm me. I take things too seriously at times, as the emotional impact often triggers a knee jerk reaction in me.
Do you like to have people around you, or are you more of a loner?
I much prefer to be alone. I live with two other people (husband and son) and we often joke that we're the three most anti-social people ever, as we usually separate into three different floors of the house and do our own thing. I will give up sleep to have alone time If I have to go out and do things with other people, as it is extremely important to me!
Are you more outgoing or shy? Do you think this would change when you are in your animagus form?
I have always called myself shy, and all the quizzes and profiles I've done agree - but everyone seems to tell me (whether real life or online) that I'm very outgoing. I think that I was more shy when I was younger, and I can't get that out of my head, but as I've become more mature and more sure of myself, I am a lot more confident and outgoing. I tend to throw myself out there now, but am still a wallflower and bad at small talk.
Please give an accurate description of your appearance; pictures are welcome!
No pictures, sorry - but I am 5'6", dark brown hair (long, bangs), brown eyes, glasses, average weight (not skinny, not overweight). I have two little moles to the right of my mouth, three tattoos, and hate pants. I guess that about covers it.
What kind of environment would you feel most comfortable in: air, water or earth?
Air for sure! I love flying more than any other mode of transportation, and have been up in the air ... 37 times this year. I really love nothing more than the feeling of being in the air. Secondary to that would be water, as I love the sea and being out on it (on a boat) or in it (swimming, floating). I wouldn't want to LIVE in the water, but I enjoy it. The air though? Can't get enough.
What's your favourite kind of weather?
I would have to say cool and dry. I don't much like winter (too cold around here!) or summer (can't STAND the heat). Damp cool gets into your bones and isn't comfortable. But I like a nice cool day with a breeze - so that you need to be wearing a sweater.
Favourite time of day (or night)?
Night, for sure. I am not a morning person, and I dislike it when it is too bright out. I've been known to not even open my blinds, as I'm not a fan of the bright on a sunny day. I'd rather be out in the dark, as it is so peaceful at that time.
Are there any traits you think you might like your animagus form to have?
I'd like it to be clever, and quick. I'd like it to be either covered in fur or feather, though I'm not adverse to reptiles - just don't think I 'fit' that. I'd like to be strong and capable and able to survive in a hardy environment.
What capabilities is it important that your animagus form have?
I would like to be able to fly, or at least live in the trees. I'd like to be able to protect myself.
Are there any traits or capabilities which you absolutely do not want?
I don't want a 'pack animal' or a highly social one - that's really not me. I do not want to be vulnerable, and I do not want to be domesticated.
Are there any animals that you feel drawn to or have a connection with?
Well, there are a few. I've always been a fan of cats, and have had one or more for most of my life. I love their total disinterest in the world around them, and how confident they are. I am drawn to owls, and have been forever - enough to have a tattoo of one - both for their beauty as well as their real and fabled traits (wisdom, etc). I love snakes and lizards, though more for them just being captivating.
Are there any animals you are afraid of or strongly dislike?
Insects? Worms? That's about it, really. Oh, I am NOT a fan of dogs - do not like them, and am afraid of most of them.
Why would you like to be an animagus?
I think it would be a great opportunity for knowledge - to learn about the world around you in a different manner, using senses that we don't use as humans. It would give a new perspective - through basic view (flight, closer to the ground, water, etc), new/different vulnerabilities, affiliated strengths, etc. I think it would also be fun to be able to experience life like another creature lives it.
Application #525
House: Gryffindor
Best Trait:
I think my best trait is I guess how loving, and protective I am of the people I care about. If I care about you, you better believe I will do anything for you, that includes beating the crap out of people who hurt you. Ok maybe I don't beat people up, but I do with my words if I have to.
Worst Trait:
I think actually my worst trait would be my terrible ability to hold a grudge. I have the hardest time in the world letting things go if I or someone I care about has been wronged by someone.
Do you like to have people around you, or are you more of a loner?
For the most part I like having people around. Especially my family and friends. Don't get me wrong though, I do like to have my quiet moments to myself. Who doesn't?
Are you more outgoing or shy? Do you think this would change when you are in your animagus form?
This is a tough one.....around people I know, I'm actually a pretty outgoing person. However when I'm in a place with a bunch of strangers I tend to be on the shy side. I have a really hard time, just walking up to people and just start talking to them, like I've seen others do.
Please give an accurate description of your appearance; pictures are welcome!
Let's see...I'm 5'7", and I weigh around 135 pounds. I have brown hair down to just past my shoulder blades. I have blue eyes. I have freckles, lost of freckles. However I feel they suit me just great! Here are a couple of links of me.
http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a177/kristatwen/Picofmeandboodarkmarks.jpghttp://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a177/kristatwen/picofmeatbridalveil.jpghttp://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a177/kristatwen/pictureofmecottoncandy.jpg What kind of environment would you feel most comfortable in: air, water or earth?
Earth, definitely! I don't see myself as a water person, and I really don't see myself as an air person.
What's your favourite kind of weather?
Rain! I love the rain! I love the way it makes the air smell after a good rainstorm. I like driving in it, I like dancing in it! I love watching it. It just feels like a fresh start for the earth after a good rainstorm.
Favourite time of day (or night)?
You know...I like the time of day just before the sun goes down. That time just seems so peaceful to me.
Are there any traits you think you might like your animagus form to have?
Fur, and claws.
What capabilities is it important that your animagus form have?
I would really like them to have some sort of heightened senses. What's the point of becoming an animal if you don't have better senses then a human? I would also like the ability to defend myself, the animal world is tough I really don't want to be some whimpy animal.
Are there any traits or capabilities which you absolutely do not want?
I don't want to have scales. I just am not fond of animals like reptiles and the like.
Are there any animals that you feel drawn to or have a connection with?
I have always felt drawn to dogs for sure. They just make the best of friends. My dog Oreo use to listen to me when I was sad, and he was just always there for me. I also like cats as well. Not just domesticated ones either, I think wild cats are so beautiful, and graceful. Last but not least, and they kind of go along with dogs, but wolves. I love wolves they are absolutely magnificent creatures.
Are there any animals you are afraid of or strongly dislike?
Please don't make me a reptile, or an insect! I'm not really fond of them.
Why would you like to be an animagus?
The question should really be, why wouldn't you? Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to be an animal? I have! Not only that, but it would be a very useful skill to have.
Application #526
House: Gryffindor
Best Trait:
I'd have to say it's my ability to do whatever I truly set my mind to. Truly, I've always been pretty good at everything. Then again, it can bite me in the ass and truly annoy me when I'm not really good at anything. BUT LET'S STICK TO THE BEST TRAITS.
Worst Trait:
Hmm. I guess there's a difference between the trait that most bothers me about myself, and what's actually my WORST trait. What bothers me is the fact that I can't talk about myself. You know those heart-to-hearts you sometimes have with friends or family? Yeah. I can't talk about myself and my feelings out loud for more than 30 seconds. It angers me when I'm trying to just get everything out of my system, but I just can't. But what may be my worst trait would be how lazy I can be. When I lose motivation, that's just it, I LOSE motivation. I can't force myself to do anything. This is definitely something I would want to change in my animagus form.
Do you like to have people around you, or are you more of a loner?
I need a bit of both. If I have people around me too much, I go crazy. I need some time to myself. However, I'm not that kind of person that would be perfectly content spending days on end by myself. I do need interaction with other people.
Are you more outgoing or shy? Do you think this would change when you are in your animagus form?
I'm definitely still a bit shy, but I am working on becoming more outgoing. I guess I still worry a bit about how I'm perceived. This is definitely something I think I would change in my animagus form. To remove all of those expectations and "normal" things that humans have set in place, I would definitely be more willing to be outgoing.
Please give an accurate description of your appearance; pictures are welcome!
Five foot seven, with medium-long brown hair that has a few strawberry blonde highlights. I'm half Italian, with my other half basically being a pie of English, French, German, and Irish. So a definite olive skin and dark hair. Deep brown eyes, so and when I wear light eyeliner it definitely makes me look Mediterranean. I wear glasses, however I do have contacts that I sometimes put in. Slender build with some feminine curves on me.
What kind of environment would you feel most comfortable in: air, water or earth?
Currently I feel most comfortable on Earth, with the steady land beneath my feet. However I might consider exploring the air.
What's your favourite kind of weather?
If I were to go for an extreme, I would most certainly go for cold. I love the snow more than almost anything! But for every day, I would be the classic 70 degress and partly cloudy.
Favourite time of day (or night)?
Mid-afternoon. I've never been a morning person, so the mid-afternoon is when I really come alive. It's not too late to get out and do fun things with your friends, but it's also not so early that I feel like I need a cup of coffee to get out of zombie mode major.
Are there any traits you think you might like your animagus form to have?
I would absolutely adore a tail. I've always been a little jealous of the way cats and dogs can use their tail to get what they want.
What capabilities is it important that your animagus form have?
Perhaps the ability to do something not everyone can do. What that would look like? Up to you. However it's not at all necessary.
Are there any traits or capabilities which you absolutely do not want?
Nothing slimy or scaly, please. I just don't feel that fits me at all. Along with that, I don't really want to be something that some people may run screaming from.
Are there any animals that you feel drawn to or have a connection with?
Not really, no. I'm open to ideas.
Are there any animals you are afraid of or strongly dislike?
I've never been that girl that runs away screaming from bees or spiders. With that, that doesn't necessarily mean I like them. So no insects, snakes, or spiders please.
Why would you like to be an animagus?
Because it would be an amazing way for me to escape every day life, and be in a totally different environment. It would also be a great way for me to see the world from a different point of view, changing how I even live my human day to day life.
Application #527
House: Slytherin
Best Trait:
My learning ability, I think. I pick things up pretty quickly, which is something a lot of my teachers (across different subjects) have pointed out at some time or the other. I'm told I have a good memory, and I think I'm pretty observant too. If I can maintain interest and a little focus, I can easily remember information that I've glanced through just once, though I definitely still need to study for exams and the like. It also means that I can adapt quickly to new situations, even though I balk at the idea of having to change, sometimes.
Worst Trait:
Laziness. If I don't have enough interest in something, I can't maintain constant effort unless you hold a knife to my throat. I usually get by with getting as much as possible done with as little contact with uninteresting/unimportant material as possible, then run off to play or something...generally it means I look like I'm procrastinating. My priorities are just different...
Do you like to have people around you, or are you more of a loner?
I'm more of a loner. I like attention, sometimes, but I get really tired if I don't have enough time to organize my thoughts alone, so I need to withdraw after interacting with a lot of people at once. Some weeks I'm gregarious, other weeks I become a total hermit; as far as possible I try to maintain a balance between the two extremes, although this appears to average into "slightly removed from the company of others". I'm always chill with having friends/other people I'm close to around, though.
This doesn't mean I dislike being anywhere near people...actually, I doubt I could ever live a completely solitary life. I'm drawn to large communities with common interests (see: HiH), but rather than getting totally involved, I'm pretty content just feeling the presence of other people and watching, sometimes participating in their activities. Not antisocial, just kind of unsocial.
tl;dr I like and need alone time, but I like large communities I can blend into and will happily expend my energies for one that I feel I am an integral part of.
Are you more outgoing or shy? Do you think this would change when you are in your animagus form?
I think I tend more towards the shy side, though it kind of depends on the company. If I'm with like-minded people I'll be happy to talk, but otherwise I'll keep quiet and just watch/pretend to not exist. I'm not sure if it'd change...I guess it'd depend heavily on the situation and the animal.
Please give an accurate description of your appearance; pictures are welcome!
Average height, Asian (Chinese), fat, pimply, shoulder-length black hair (usually tied back) and eyes. I wear glasses, and am usually in some combination of a shirt and jeans/shorts. Actually I can't remember the last time I wasn't in some combination of a T-shirt and jeans/shorts. I'd probably look better if I tried, but ehhh looking fabulously outstanding isn't exactly high on my list of major concerns. I'm cool with just being neat.
What kind of environment would you feel most comfortable in: air, water or earth?
Air- I like high places, if I'm sure I won't fall. I think I'd enjoy the freedom in being able to move around in 3-dimensional space, and it'd be great to view things from another angle.
I can walk and swim already, even though I don't have anything beyond the average human's ability to do so. Flight fascinates me more since it's something that people can't do without the help of some kind of equipment. I've always been drawn to the idea of flight.
What's your favourite kind of weather?
I like rainy days! Both being wet out in rain (splashing in puddles is never not fun, and the air's cooler), and staying dry inside with a warm drink. The sound of rain is soothing at night too.
Favourite time of day (or night)?
I have two: the first one is around 8-10am in the mornings, because the day's just begun and it's nice to think of how much the day can possibly bring. I usually sleep through this though :/
The second time of day (night?) is at night between 9pm-3amish. I work best during that time- it's cooler, quieter, and after the day's activities are over I feel more at ease to go about my own things. Also, this is the time I do most of my daily catching-up with the rest of the world through the Internet! Fun tiems.
Are there any traits you think you might like your animagus form to have?
I'd like to be something that doesn't look unnatural/exotic in an urban/human-populated setting - I want to be able to travel around frequently without looking too conspicuous. While I don't mind nature, I'm much more at home in the city.
It'd be nice if the animal could be known for being smart as well!
What capabilities is it important that your animagus form have?
I'd like to be able to fly, preferably as a bird! It'd be great to be able to have another mode of travel that gives me more freedom and speed than walking, which is filled with obstacles like roads and other landmarks on the ground. Also, the only reason I'm jittery around heights is the fear that I'll fall, so being able to fly would help me feel more secure.
Are there any traits or capabilities which you absolutely do not want?
I don't want to be something too easy to kill. I don't want to be too far down the food chain. It'd be nice to be at the absolute top, but I don't need to be there- at least, I wouldn't like to be something that has a common predator species, or has a predator I can't avoid/outwit. That, and other forms of death by not-old-age, so basically- not something too squishable.
Are there any animals that you feel drawn to or have a connection with?
Corvids. In particular, crows that live in or near cities (carrion crows?)- they're birds that are intelligent, playful and highly opportunistic. They hold grudges and remember kindnesses. They're fiercely protective of all they love. They've learnt to use human constructs to survive, and they're successful enough to be found in lots of places all over the world. And not only do they know how to fly to get places, they also know how to fly for fun.
Also crows show up prominently in mythology and I'm all over this ahahah. I like how crows look so unassuming (and are treated as pests by many) yet keep showing up as important figures in the mythology of many different cultures, and how frequently the same traits and meanings are associated with them. I find it ridiculously interesting.
I've also been described as being like a fox or snake before, I think.
Are there any animals you are afraid of or strongly dislike?
Monkeys. I'm just...not too fond of them, somehow...
Why would you like to be an animagus?
It'd be great to experience the world from a different angle! Not to mention the fact that an animagus form could potentially be useful in daily life (easier travelling and stealth for instance) or in more risky situations where being in human form would be unadvisable due to hostility in the area and/or maneuverability issues.
Application #528
House: Ravenclaw
Best Trait:
My intelligence. I am always trying to learn new things and using that knowledge to make judgments and figure out how things work. I believe it's important to know as much as you can so you can try to understand things. I am the one who often shares new facts with my friends and has to explain things to them.
Worst Trait:
I am incredibly lazy. I won't do something unless I have to or am excited about it. Without deadlines, it's hard for me to feel like I have to do something. It's hard for me to find motivation on my own.
Do you like to have people around you, or are you more of a loner?
I like having people I love around me, like my friends or a romantic partner, but other than that, I don't like being around people much. I enjoy my alone time.
Are you more outgoing or shy? Do you think this would change when you are in your animagus form?
I can be outgoing when I'm among friends, but overall I am more shy and generally avoid people I don't know. I believe that would remain the same in my animagus form. As interesting as it would be to interact with other animals in their natural environment, I probably wouldn't be bothered.
Please give an accurate description of your appearance; pictures are welcome!
I'm a short (5'2"), average-build curvy girl with shoulder-length medium-brown hair (naturally dark brown) and dark brown eyes, which are usually wearing contacts.
What kind of environment would you feel most comfortable in: air, water or earth?
Definitely earth. While flying would be nice, I feel most comfortable with my feet on the ground. I am also an earth sign and feel like my personality is very earthy in general.
What's your favourite kind of weather?
Warm (70s F), with a slight breeze, and sunny.
Favourite time of day (or night)?
My favorite time of day is in the morning, an hour or two after I've woken up. That's when I feel most alert. After eating lunch, I just start feeling sluggish and never regain my energy the rest of the day. I love the feeling in the morning that I have the whole day ahead of me to accomplish things.
Are there any traits you think you might like your animagus form to have?
I'd like to be a clever mammal with 4 limbs. I just can't imagine turning into something not in the Mammalia class. Also claws/sharp teeth or some way to defend myself. I don't want to worry about being attacked in my animagus form.
What capabilities is it important that your animagus form have?
I'd ideally like to use my form while traveling, so it would be good if I could go fast, climb, and swim. An animal that's adaptable to different environments would also be good for traveling. Since my own eyesight is poor, it would also be nice to be an animal with keen eyes too.
Are there any traits or capabilities which you absolutely do not want?
Feathers, flippers, fins, scales.
Are there any animals that you feel drawn to or have a connection with?
I've always loved all the animals in the Felidae family. I also like cute animals, like red pandas, penguins, and otters.
Are there any animals you are afraid of or strongly dislike?
I do not like creepy crawlies. Insects, worms, snakes, etc etc.
Why would you like to be an animagus?
Like mentioned above, to be able to travel freely (without the cost of plane/train tickets, heh). I enjoy looking at nature, but sometimes don't like going out into it because of the bugs, uncomfortableness, unfamiliarity, and distance from modern conveniences. If I could turn into an animal, I wouldn't have to worry about those things and could enjoy nature a lot more. Also I'd like to get away from humanity and the pressures of life every now and then.
- IMPORTANT: We're trying a slightly different voting layout from last term: Please vote @ the appropriate Applicants Thread using the provided textbox.
- Follow the
voting guidelines.
- Remember to check if your pick has subspecies. If it does, specify a subspecies, just to be on the safe side!
- Especially remember to check that your animal choice has not already been
- Keep to the deadline! The time will always be given in UTC.
- Elaborate your vote (refer to the point scale in the voting guidelines) for the full 10 points per vote. Please use the vote checking thread if you'd like to be certain you receive the full points/knuts!
Get your votes in before December 14th at 9PM UTC/4PM EST.