September Batch #1

Sep 03, 2011 10:34

Hello ladies, gents & creatures! We're Cody & Lauren and we're your brand spanking new Animagus Mod's for this term. We're really excited and overflowing with ideas & enthusiasm and we can't wait to get this ball rolling so onto...

Application #488


Best Trait:
I always thought my caring nature was my best quality. I was sort of born to be a caretaker. I am usually the one everyone goes to with problems to talk it out because they know I will listen and help the best I can. I also put everything on hold a few years ago to stay at home and take care of my mother full time so I think that is by far my best trait.

Worst Trait:
I can have a really bad temper at time. I can be very easy to anger and can go off at the drop of a hat sometimes. It usually takes something rather extreme to go off, but still it’s not a very good trait to have.

Do you like to have people around you, or are you more of a loner?
I’m a bit in-between. I enjoy my solo time but I like to have a core group of friends around me. I have never been fond of giant parties or being flocked by people, I can even get a bit anxiety ridden if I am surrounded by too many people.

Are you more outgoing or shy? Do you think this would change when you are in your animagus form?
I am very shy before I get comfortable and with people I do not know. Once I know you and feel comfortable I am extremely outlandish and will yammer your ear off. I’m not sure that would change in animagus form, I would think that all traits would carry over into that.

Please give an accurate description of your appearance; pictures are welcome!
Formal me
Semi-formal me
Informal me

What kind of environment would you feel most comfortable in: air, water or earth?
I have always felt most comfortable in the water but I also very much enjoy the air and have a great love for birds. I think I’ve always been on of those people that I am comfortable in whatever setting I am in at the time.

What's your favorite kind of weather?
I like cloudy 65-75F weather. I tend to get migraines when the barometric pressure changes so rain and storms cause headaches. My eyes also tend to be sensitive to very bright sunshine and I get headaches with that, but I can deal if I have sunglasses. I always prefer cold to hot though because as they say you can always put more layers on but you can only take so much off.

Favourite time of day (or night)?
I love the night. I have always been a night owl and tend to feel at my best during the night. I can’t stand to get up early but my bird gets me up at 6am every morning, so I can do it but I don’t care for it.

Are there any traits you think you might like your animagus form to have?
I’m really very easy I don’t think there is anything that I would desperately want over anything else

What capabilities is it important that your animagus form have?
I really want to be useful in many situations. I would also like to be able to defend myself with relative ease.

Are there any traits or capabilities which you absolutely do not want?
I would just rather not be stuck in one thing. I would prefer not to be a water only fish because that doesn’t seem like it would be very useful.

Are there any animals that you feel drawn to or have a connection with?
I have always been drawn to birds, I have had several and they also take to me very easy including ones that hate most people. I also adore all cats large and small and like to be around them. In truth I just love being around all animals period.

Are there any animals you are afraid of or strongly dislike?
I don’t particularly care to be around snakes but I do not hate them.

Why would you like to be an animagus?
I have always been so drawn and connected to animals the thought of being an animagus just seems to be a logical extension of that. Plus the thought of the abilities you would have and the addition things you would be able to do is very appealing.


Application #489


Best Trait: I am kindhearted and giving

Worst Trait: I am stubborn!

Do you like to have people around you, or are you more of a loner? I am very much a loner, through and through. I love people, but I could live without them without any worry. The exception to this is the people that are important to me are VERY important to me and I would do or sacrifice anything for them.

Are you more outgoing or shy? Do you think this would change when you are in your animagus form? I am very shy, almost to a fault, and I don't think I'd be any different in my animagus form.

Please give an accurate description of your appearance; pictures are welcome!
I'm 5'8", medium length brown hair that is either curly or straight, depending on my mood. I'm 'overweight' but whatevs.

Here's some pics:

What kind of environment would you feel most comfortable in: air, water or earth? I love the water, but I'd also be good on the earth too. Ideally I'd like a combination of sorts, because I'm restless and feel like I'd grow bored quickly if I was stuck in one place/environment too long.

What's your favourite kind of weather? Between 50* and 65*. I HATE HATE HATE being hot, and love moderate weather. I'd rather have no sun than too much. Storms are intriguing, but not horrible ones that wreck things.

Favourite time of day (or night)? Probably around sunset. When it's all pretty and oddly colored, and getting darker.

Are there any traits you think you might like your animagus form to have? IDK. I'm good with anything. I don't want to be boring, I know that. I may be a shy person, but I'm still a COOL person. I want my animagus form to reflect that. So some kind of markings/distinguishing features would be great.

What capabilities is it important that your animagus form have? Um, I really want to know how to swim. I don't want to be an animal that can drown in a puddle.
Beyond that, I'd like to be able to defend myself and my family if necessary, on my own as well. I don't want to depend on others for my safety, nor do I want to be on the run all the time trying to protect myself.

Are there any traits or capabilities which you absolutely do not want? I don't want to be slimy. I also don't want to be the type of animal that rips apart other ones and feeds on their insides. The vegetarian in me can't handle the thought of that (although BTW my animagus does NOT have to be veggie, just not an intestine ripper and eater)

Are there any animals that you feel drawn to or have a connection with? I have a connection with a few types of animals, but I really don't want to influence my application in any way, so I'll just say that I can be drawn to a variety.

Are there any animals you are afraid of or strongly dislike? Spiders and other creepy crawlies.

Why would you like to be an animagus?I think it would be fascinating to be an animal, and the perspective it gives. I think I'd use my form for a combination of relaxation and retreat.


Application #490


Best Trait:
My intelligence, wit and ability to learn. This may seem like more than one but really it all ties in together! I am a very smart woman, both book and street smart. I pick things up quickly and I am normally elevated to the role of leader swiftly because of this. In informal situations I am turned to for help, I am the go-to girl of my friends and family. I have a good sense of humor that relies heavily on wit and word play though my tongue can often come across as sharp!

Worst Trait:
My lack of motivation... which is really driven by my selfishness, to be honest! I find to hard to want to do things if there isn't some kind of payoff for myself, whether in the way I am viewed by others or in an actual physical benefit. I think that my willingness to help when I do see a benefit for myself can sometimes come across as helpful or selfless and in this way my worst trait also has it's benefits! I think this sounds a little mean but I truly believe that so many people are motivated by self-gain they just won't admit it :P

Do you like to have people around you, or are you more of a loner?
I am more of a loner. I have a few very close friends and do enjoy the odd party but I prefer to be left alone most of the time.

Are you more outgoing or shy? Do you think this would change when you are in your animagus form?
I am outgoing. When I do go to parties I tend to find myself the center of attention, I can spin a great story and I love to have people listen to me. I was the smart-ass, class-clown in the back of the room in school & while I have grown up a lot since then, part of me will always be the kid looking for a laugh. In my animagus form I can't see this changing a lot, bold now, bold then - to me that's part of changing into your true form.

Please give an accurate description of your appearance; pictures are welcome!
I am 5'7" and I am a red head. More of a auburn/chestnut though. I have big blue eyes and oodles of freckles. I have quite an animated face.
pic 1
pic 2

What kind of environment would you feel most comfortable in: air, water or earth?
Earth for sure. I have a great fear of open water and though I loveswimming, I like to do so with sand/rocks under my feet. We used to go waterskiing as kids and when I fell and had to tread water on the lake I used to almost have panic attacks! I do really like the idea of being able to fly but in all honesty I'd rather be a faster runner, I'm not terribly good on planes though it's not the height that bothers me, it's the emptiness of the sky.

What's your favourite kind of weather?
I like extremes. I love beautiful hot days where you can't do anything but find a shady spot and read a book. I love thunderstorms and lightning I think they're scary but brilliant. I also love hail and snow, i love how when it snows the streets become serenely quiet.

Favourite time of day (or night)?
Dusk & dawn. I love the change over period, I love when you get up really really early and there is a frost or a fog and the worlds just starting. And I love the period when the sun sets but the stars haven't come out yet, it's eerie but beautiful.

Are there any traits you think you might like your animagus form to have?
I would like a decent sized tail, it doesn't have to have a major purpose but I just like the idea of having something to balance me out, and tail's always seem so cool! I do feel like I'd want or be suited to paws over hooves, I really love and look after my nails, I want to keep them in my animal form!

What capabilities is it important that your animagus form have?
I want to be quick, it's important for me to be able to escape dangerous situations. I'd like to preserve my wit/smarts too, so I'd prefer a animal that is known (even a little bit) for it's intelligence. I would like to have a/some enhanced sense/s (smell, hearing, sight etc) but not at the expense of another sense.

Are there any traits or capabilities which you absolutely do not want?
I don't want to be too big, nothing bigger than about a sheep but then I don't want to be tiny either (no smaller than a rat?)!

Are there any animals that you feel drawn to or have a connection with?
There are a few animals I love and a few I feel connected with but I'd prefer not to share them as I kind of want to get an unswayed selection of vibes from you all :)

Are there any animals you are afraid of or strongly dislike?
No really, I am a big fan of all animals. I mean there are certain bugs and fish that make me shudder but I think we'd all agree that deep sea anglers are freaky. I'm definitely a dog girl over cats but in saying that, I never met a kitten I didn't want to pet!

Why would you like to be an animagus?
It's the idea of being able to explore places you normally couldn't, to go places you won't be recognized and to do things that your human forms limits you from doing!


Application #491

House: Hufflepuff

Best Trait: Hmm…I guess my kindness would be my best trait. I’m always willing to help a friend or a family member out anyway that I can whether it’s giving them a ride or give them some money or whatever. I really dislike them being in trouble and so I just like to help them out.

Worst Trait: I guess that my worst trait would be that I worry a lot. I always worry about everything. Every summer I have issues with financial aid and every summer I always worry whether or not I will get anything. I also worry about money, grades and all the common things that cause people to worry. I always worry about calling people because I never know what to say and…so on and so forth.

Do you like to have people around you, or are you more of a loner? Hmm....I kinda like both. There are times when I love hanging out with people but there are also times when I’d just rather be alone. It really depends on the personality of the people I’m around cause there are just some people that get on my nerves so that’s when I’d rather be alone.

Are you more outgoing or shy? Do you think this would change when you are in your animagus form? I’m definitely shy. I’m not good talking to people I just meet and I’m always really quiet in groups. I also don’t like talking in front of people. <.<

Please give an accurate description of your appearance; pictures are welcome! here’s a pic!

What kind of environment would you feel most comfortable in: air, water or earth? Probably either earth or water. I’m not that big fan of heights. I love swimming but idk if I want to be limited to just water.

What's your favourite kind of weather? I love fall weather! Not disgustingly hot and not freezing cold. Anything that is not disgustingly hot is fine by me tho.
Favourite time of day (or night)? I like late afternoon/early evening since that’s when it starts to cool down. As you can tell I’m not that fond of the hot (which sucks for me considering where I live <.<)

Are there any traits you think you might like your animagus form to have? Err…I guess fur and four legs, no more than that please~ I really not that picky since I’m torn between a water type and earth type lol

What capabilities is it important that your animagus form have? I guess being able to defend myself. I don’t wanna be a weakling who can’t take care of themselves since I really don’t like that feeling. I like’d to be able to run fast (since that would be a new experience since I’m not that fast of a runner irl)

Are there any traits or capabilities which you absolutely do not want? More than four legs. That’s just creepy, imo ): Err….umm….I guess that’s it really. I’m ok with anything else, or at least I think I’m ok with anything. lol

Are there any animals that you feel drawn to or have a connection with? Penguins! I love penguins. And big dogs! They’re just so loving and happy! I am not a fan of the small dogs tho

Are there any animals you are afraid of or strongly dislike? Like I mentioned above small dogs. They’re too yappy. I also don’t really like cats which is probably mainly due to my allergies lol

Why would you like to be an animagus? I would like to be able to see the world from another perspective. The ability to experience new and old things from an animal’s perspective is really interesting to me!


Application #492

House: Ravenclaw

Best Trait:
Probably my open-mindedness. I think this is my best trait because it feeds into so many aspects of my personality. It keeps me non-judgemental and allows me to see different points of view, and it also contributes to my empathy and helps me put myself in other people’s shoes. It also fuels my creativity and imagination, and it gives me the mentality that anything is possible, even if it doesn’t conform to our normal systems of belief. I sometimes see the world through rose-colored glasses, and I’m sure this is why. It helps me see the best in people and in the world around me.

Worst Trait:
My anxiety, without a doubt. I get nervous very, very easily, especially when it comes to health-related issues. I’m horribly scared of losing the people around me, and whenever someone gets sick or hurts themselves, I tend to panic. It also stops me from doing things I want to do, because I’m afraid of panicking during new situations. I almost never do anything without careful planning, and I tend to spoil myself as much as possible for movies and books if I’m afraid they’re going to scare me in some way.

Do you like to have people around you, or are you more of a loner?
I like being around small groups of close friends and family. I don’t like being fully alone, but I don’t generally enjoy being at huge parties, either. In the evenings, for example, my husband and I are generally doing different things in different rooms, but I like knowing that he’s around. I wouldn’t like being totally by myself all the time.

Are you more outgoing or shy? Do you think this would change when you are in your animagus form?
It depends on the situation, as with most people. I’m not shy in the traditional sense of the word. I like talking to people and making new friends. But I’m also not likely to be the life of the party. I’ll strike up conversations with small groups of people who seem to share my interests. And when I’m with people I know, I can be extremely lively. I can definitely squee and fangirl with the best of them! But when I’m with a bunch of strange people in an unfamiliar setting, I am more likely to be on the quieter side.

I’m honestly not sure if this would change in my animagus form or not. I guess I would hope that my animal form would be friendly and social, but it certainly doesn’t need to be bouncing all over the place, begging for attention.

Please give an accurate description of your appearance; pictures are welcome!
As far as I’m concerned, I have two very defining traits: I’m very vertically challenged, coming in at precisely 4’11” and I have very long, dirty blond hair that comes down to around my waist. As for the rest, I have hazel eyes, I’m on the plumper side, and...actually, that’s about it lol. If it matters, I also wear a LOT of jewelry, which is probably my most defining clothing trait. I adore accessories to no end, and I tend to wear them on the larger side so people notice them.

What kind of environment would you feel most comfortable in: air, water or earth?
As an animal, I’d have to go with earth. I’m not a huge fan of flying in my human form, and I just don’t see that changing as an animal. As for water, I wouldn’t mind at all having the ability to swim, but I wouldn’t want to be bound to the water. Having an earth-based form gives the most mobility and the most options. Plus, I’m a fan of being on terra firma for the better part of my life!

What's your favourite kind of weather?
Cool to colder weather. I absolutely adore the winter, though I know that’s at least partially because I love Christmas so much. But snow is so beautiful and magical, and it makes me feel like I’m in a fairytale. Plus I really do dislike overly hot weather, and given the choice, I’d rather be cold than hot. At least with the cold, I can burrow under warm blankets (or maybe grow extra fur as an animal!) but there’s only so much you can shed when it’s too hot.

Favourite time of day (or night)?
I’m definitely not a morning person, but I also don’t like staying up all hours of the night. I think I’m probably most awake midday, maybe from 10am-2pm, or something like that. I’m also a fairly big fan of evenings, mainly because I love watching the sun set and all the brilliant colors.

Are there any traits you think you might like your animagus form to have?
I definitely wouldn’t mind having some kind of fur. My favorite animals are soft and fun to pet and/or cuddle, so I guess a soft coat would be at the top of my list. I’d also probably go for something four-legged rather than two or eight (or more!) and I’d be more inclined to like paws or hooves over fins or...well, anything else, really.

What capabilities is it important that your animagus form have?
I’d want my form to be intelligent. There’s no sense turning into an animal only to lose my higher brain functions. No running into walls or caring about nothing past my next meal, thank you! I also want my animal to be able to defend itself. This doesn’t mean I want anything big or beastly. I just want some sort of claws or teeth or something that prevents me from being a walking target. This might even mean something as simple as being fast enough to run away from a predator. My form should also be friendly and caring. I wouldn’t mind keeping my empathy as well. I’d want people to feel comfortable coming up to me and being around me. Finally, I want an animal that doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb. I imagine that I’d be turning into my animal form mainly to get someplace without people recognizing me, so I’d want something that blends in or isn’t too out of the ordinary.

Are there any traits or capabilities which you absolutely do not want?
Nothing slimy or slithery, please, and no insects. As I said earlier, I also don’t want an animal that can only exist in the water. I don’t mind being able to swim, but no straight up fish or anything like that. I’m also not too keen on an animal that primarily flies, either.

Are there any animals that you feel drawn to or have a connection with?
Dogs and cats are my favorites, mainly because I’ve always had one around me. I adore both for their intelligence and kindness, and I just love being able to curl up and cuddle with them. I’m also very fond of horses - beautiful and smart! - and I think panda bears might be the most adorable critters in the whole world!

Are there any animals you are afraid of or strongly dislike?
Apologies to my Slytherin friends, but I am deadhly afraid of all snakes. They terrify me to no end! This also goes for anything else creepy-crawly, like worms or centipedes. I’m also afraid of spiders, and I’m too fond of bees.

Why would you like to be an animagus?
I adore animals in general, and I feel like being able to turn into one would allow me to bond even more with them. Plus, the idea of turning into something else for a little while just sounds so amazing! I’d love to be able to see the world literally through different eyes. Since animals have such strong senses, I feel like it would be almost like seeing an entirely different planet. I also see it as being terribly useful in terms of getting places without being recognized. If I ever got into a fight, I’d probably also be able to defend myself better in animal form, as I’m a total weakling as a human. But in general, I just think it would so much fun!


- IMPORTANT: We're trying a slightly different voting layout for this batch: Please vote @ the appropriate Applicants Thread using the provided textbox.
- Follow the voting guidelines.
- Remember to check if your pick has subspecies. If it does, specify a subspecies, just to be on the safe side!
- Especially remember to check that your animal choice has not already been claimed.
- Keep to the deadline! The time will always be given in UTC.
- Elaborate your vote (refer to the point scale in the voting guidelines) for the full 10 points per vote.

Get your votes in before September 14th at 9PM UTC.



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