Gorgeous Carat fic: Destiny 13

Oct 08, 2007 21:31

This concludes the first story arc in the Destiny series.
The next arc will begin after a short break and will be an alternate version of the Petit Noel storyline.

Title: Destiny, part 13
Characters/Pairing: Ray, Florian
Rating: M (overall rating for this series)
Notes: Thank you to my wonderful beta readers Gayle and Arwensong
Disclaimer: Gorgeous Carat = You Higuri's
Summary: A Gorgeous Carat re-write starting at the end of the manga's first story arc.

"I'm so full." Florian leaned back against the pillows and smiled up at Ray who was still undressing. Ray returned the smile and tossed aside the last of his garments before sliding under the covers that Florian held up for him.

"Shall I rub your stomach for you?" Ray offered with a devilish grin as he settled on his side so he could look into Florian's eyes. "It was good to see you clear your plate. I'm glad you enjoyed the meal."

"I did. The food was excellent, not that the food here isn't good but… the change of scenery was nice and the music was delightful."

"At the rate you're going, we'll have enough instruments for our own orchestra." Ray smoothed a few strands of hair away from Florian's face and continued running his hand down Florian's torso until it came to rest on the smooth muscles of his stomach. True to his offer, he rubbed gently, smiling at Florian's contented sigh.

"I'm glad you don't think I'm being foolish." Florian said slowly, his eyes already glazing a little in reaction to Ray's hand moving over his skin. "Thank you for keeping the pianoforte and the harp. Perhaps if I could find a primer of some sort, I might learn some of the basics without the expense of lessons."

"And deprive Madame Fonte of a new pupil? After she was kind enough to agree to teach you, I'm sure you wouldn't want to disappoint her." Ray's hand strayed a bit lower and it was almost a full minute before Florian responded.

"You've already arranged lessons?" Florian's excitement and gratitude were almost enough to distract him from Ray's attentions so Ray ended the conversation with a passionate kiss. For quite a while after that Florian's only words were "more" and "please" and finally "yes".

"I love you," he whispered sleepily into Ray's ear much later when they were sated and ready for sleep. There would be a few marks visible on Florian's fair skin come morning, and he was sure he'd be walking a bit stiffly, but he was far too happy to worry about such things. He was safe and cared for in Ray's arms and the loneliness and despair of the past weeks were a fading memory.

"Sleep well," Ray murmured into his ear and Florian heard the words as the endearment they were meant to be. He drifted away into sleep smiling.


"Again." Madame Fonte commanded, her voice surprisingly strong for a woman so small and frail looking. "Come along, Florian, don't be like your mother. Concentrate."

"My mother? But…" Florian's hands dropped away from the keyboard as he turned to stare at Madame Fonte. He wasn't sure if she had actually known his mother, or if she were confused. She appeared to be at least eighty so either option was possible.

"Pay attention." A slap to the back of his hand brought Florian's attention back to the pianoforte and the simple piece he was supposed to be learning. "We'll talk after the lesson over a cup of tea if you'd like, but you're on the Count's time now and he's paying for you
to learn."

"Yes, Madame," Florian said meekly, blushing under her stern gaze. He felt as if he were five again and being scolded by his tutor.

At the end of the hour, Madame Fonte motioned for him to slide over on the wide bench. Taking a seat beside him, she placed her hands carefully on the keyboard, took a deep breath, and played an intricate tune that Florian recognized immediately.

"It took your mother ages to learn that. I see from your expression that you recognize it. Very well." She stood again and went over to her bag where she rummaged for a moment before producing a thin, slightly worn book. Opening it, she set the music on the pianoforte and tapped the left-hand page. "Consider this your assignment. I'll expect to hear you play this at your next lesson."

"Yes, Madame." Florian offered her a smile. He was grateful that she was giving him something interesting to practice. He'd been dreading scales and finger exercises. Sliding off the bench, he gave her a half-bow. "Thank you for your patience today, Madame Fonte. May I offer you tea?"

"You may, your Grace. Will the Count be joining us?"

"Unfortunately, his business required him to be away at this time. Perhaps next week?" Florian offered his arm to the elderly lady and escorted her into the sitting room where Laila had agreed to have tea and cakes laid out. She was waiting for their arrival and smiled politely through the formal greetings.

"Would you join us please, Laila?" Florian asked quietly as he accepted the cup of tea Laila served him. She shook her head slightly, declining the offer, but added a grateful smile to show that she appreciated the offer. She didn't care for the formalities of entertaining, and she wanted to take advantage of Ray's absence to straighten his study.

"Your patron has an interesting household." Madame Fonte remarked as she surveyed the details of the sitting room. "Such an unusual mix."

"I believe that some of the furniture was acquired with the house, Madame. The Count hasn't had the time to completely redecorate." Florian wasn't sure she was actually referring to the décor, but he chose to interpret her comments that way.

"No, of course not, nor should he. Such waste, these people who cast out perfectly good things simply so they can buy something new. Your mother was never like that. She was a good, steady woman who understood the importance of tradition."

"Yes, Madame." Florian looked into his teacup in the hope that he wouldn't give away the confused mix of emotions he was feeling. He knew the woman meant no harm, but he wasn't sure he was ready for this conversation.

"If this is too difficult for you, dear, you must tell me." She reached over and patted his hand sympathetically. "I can go on sometimes, even when I don't intend to do so." She patted him one last time and leaned back into her chair. "You must miss her terribly."

"I try not to, Madame. The Count has been most kind to take me in and find tasks to occupy my days."

"You do seem well cared for, dear, if perhaps a bit thin. But then, your father was always thin too. Even before he was injured. You look just like him, but you've got your mother's smile."

Madame Fonte reached over and set her empty teacup down on an end table. "I should let you return to your duties, Florian. But if you'll permit me just a few minutes, I'll tell you a story that you might not know about your parents."

"Please, Madame, I would appreciate hearing anything you'd be willing to share. I'm afraid there is much I never knew about my parents. After his death, my mother didn't speak of my father often, other than to say how much I looked like him."

"I didn't have many occasions to visit your mother once she was married, but I taught her and your father the piano. They were young then, not quite teenagers, and at first they couldn't stand each other…"


It was late when Ray finally left his study. He made his usual tour through the downstairs as was his nightly habit before retiring to bed. He wasn't exactly surprised to hear music as he approached the music room. He was surprised, however, to hear such a complex piece when Florian had had only one lesson.

Peering around the partly-open door he smiled at the sight of Florian, his eyes closed and his face set in concentration while his hands moved along the keys. But…

Casting a glance around the room, Ray spotted the true source of the music - the music box. It was open and several discs were arrayed around it as if they'd been played or were waiting for their turn.

Moving quietly, he tiptoed silently across the plush carpet until he was directly behind Florian. With a swift movement he grabbed the blond and turned him, planting a demanding kiss before Florian had time to struggle. The man responded eagerly, wrapping his arms around Ray's neck and pulling him in closer.

"Practicing, I see." Ray teased when they finally broke apart. He settled onto the bench beside Florian and ran his hand lightly over the keyboard.

"More like seeking inspiration." He turned slightly towards Ray. "I didn't want to go to bed alone."

"Then shall we give your inspiration a rest? Let the servants clean up in the morning, I've got more important things for you to do tonight."

"Do you?" Florian raised one delicate eyebrow as he closed the keyboard cover and stood. "I suppose this means I won't be getting much sleep tonight."

"Smart man." Ray slid off the bench and went to turn off the music box but Florian caught his arm.

"Wait a moment." He circled the bench and held up his hands in a classic couple's dance pose. Ray made a face but obliged, taking Florian into his arms and waltzing him around a few times until they reached the music box. Freeing one hand, Ray reached over and turned it off.

Taking Florian's hand again, he waltzed him to the door before they separated. Ray slid his arm around Florian's waist and leaned over to whisper in his ear. "Come upstairs and we'll try a new dance."

"Will there be music?" Florian asked, laughing as he grabbed Ray's hand and pulled him down the hallway towards the stairs.

"Always," Ray vowed wearing his most salacious grin.


gorgeous carat, fic

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