Gorgeous Carat fic: Destiny, part 6

Jul 16, 2007 19:20

Title: Destiny, part 6
Characters/Pairing: Ray, Florian
Rating: M (overall rating for this series)
Notes: Thank you to my wonderful beta reader Gayle
Disclaimer: Gorgeous Carat = You Higuri's
Summary: A Gorgeous Carat re-write starting at the end of the manga's
first story arc.

Florian's happy chatter carried them through most of dinner, but he
lost energy quickly and by the end he was yawning and struggling
to focus. Ray waved off his apologies and sent him upstairs to prepare
for bed while Ray lingered over his coffee and dessert.

"He looks better," Laila commented as she dropped into Florian's seat
and started eating his untouched dessert. "Pity to waste this."

Laila usually ate in the kitchen with the staff, catching up on rumors
and gossip. If there was anything particularly interesting, she'd
share it when she came to clear away Ray's dishes. She was grateful
for Florian's presence if only because Ray now had a dinner companion
- and a reason to leave his study at mealtimes.

Tonight was one of the rare occasions that Laila didn't repeat the
staff's latest gossip. She didn't really want to think about the
good-natured jokes and speculation that had held everyone's interest
at dinner. She'd been half-tempted to change the subject, but hadn't
quite been able to, her mind too busy picturing Ray's untouched bed,
and the very rumpled bed in the adjacent suite. Besides, gossip was
impossible to stop, especially among that lot; better to let them get
it out of their systems. Nothing held their interest for long. And
anyway, Florian was better and would be moving back upstairs soon so
it was silly to fret.

"Can you spare two of the men tomorrow?" Ray asked abruptly, he was
only half paying attention when Laila asked why, his mind clearly
miles ahead as he planned some as yet unknown project. "I'd like the
rest of the attic cleaned and furniture moved so Florian can do an
inventory. Some of the pieces should bring a decent price."

Laila bit back a retort that cleaning the attic was Florian's job. She
nodded and made a note to herself to check up on the blond's work so
far to see if he'd really been working or had been slacking off.

"Florian's room has been cleaned up and the bedding freshened. Shall I
have the suite he's using closed up tomorrow?" She hoped she didn't
sound too eager, and lowered her head, pretending to be interested in
scraping the last of the custard from the dish so her expression
didn't give her away. When Ray didn't agree immediately, she knew
she wasn't going to like what she heard next.

"That won't be necessary. I'd like Florian's belongings moved to the
suite. I'm thinking of having him do some letter writing and other
secretarial chores so it will be more convenient if he's close."

Laila looked up at Ray, wondering if he really believed what he'd just
said. She'd known him long enough to know every inflection in his
voice and every nuance in his facial expressions. Still, it was a shock
to hear and see him like this. Just a few weeks ago he told her he
wanted to possess a pair of amethysts unlike any others in the world.
At the time, she'd passed it off as other one of Noir's obsessions.
But now…

Now she wondered if it wasn't Ray that had been possessed. Could she
really be losing him to a spoiled little aristocrat?

Not if she had anything to say about it. She rattled the china and
silver as she stood abruptly, gathering the dishes without much care.
She caught Ray watching her, still with that half-distracted air and
she wondered, even as her heart beat painfully in her chest, could
something that made Ray smile like that really be so bad?

Any answer she gave herself would hurt, so she shoved the question
away, made her excuses to Ray and fled to the kitchen.


There was really no reason to check on Florian. He was close and the
door adjoining the suites was open so Ray would hear if he was in
distress during the night. That determination lasted as long as it
took Ray to prepare for bed. Once he'd changed into his night clothes
and had extinguished the lamps he found himself moving carefully
through his rooms into the adjoining suite. With Noir's usual skill,
he navigated using only the starlight filtering in through the partly
opened drapes.

It was enough light to allow him to study his troublesome charge and
to see that his restlessness had already left the bedding rumpled. As
Ray watched, Florian shifted, his hands clasping the edge of the
comforter as if in distress.

Without hesitation, Ray eased Florian over and slid into bed beside
him. He pulled the blond into his arms and pressed his lips against
Florian's forehead, noting that he was a bit warm, but not dangerously
feverish. He also noted how easily he could feel the smaller man's
bones, as though he were only a skeleton with skin. Ray had known it
would take more than a few meals to bring Florian back to healthy
form, but holding him like this, he couldn't help but be concerned.

With a contented sigh, Florian settled against Ray and continued to
sleep. His steady breathing helped calm Ray but he wasn't quite ready
to sleep himself. Ray's mind was too full to settle. Part of him was
happy that he had exactly what he'd wanted when he first laid eyes on
Florian, but another part fought against the thought of letting anyone,
especially someone he'd only known a short time, become an intimate
companion - or more.

He'd been truthful when he told Florian he didn't buy him to be a
whore, yet sometimes it was all Ray could do to keep his hands off the
man. Yes, he was attractive. Yes, Ray wanted him. But Ray didn't want
Florian to submit because of some feeling of obligation or coercion.
Ray wanted Florian to want him. Couldn't it just be that easy?

Ray drew the covers a bit tighter around Florian's thin body and tried
to sleep, if only to avoid answering his own question.


It wasn't a daily routine, but occasionally Laila would pay an early
morning visit to Ray's rooms - whether to bring him breakfast if he'd
been up late, or to remind him of an important piece of business, or
more rarely, to wake him after a night of drinking or other
indulgence. She stood outside his bedroom door now, complete with a
manufactured excuse and a feeling of dreadful anticipation.

When he didn't respond to her light tapping on his door, she opened it
cautiously and walked in. It wasn't actually a surprise to find the
bed untouched. Against all the better judgment she possessed, she
tiptoed through the rooms towards the other suite. Stopping just
before the doorway, she leaned around slowly, her eyes adjusted enough
to the dimly lit room to immediately identify the two disparate forms
on the bed, as well as their position in relation to each other.
Recklessly bold, she took a step closer and saw how Ray held Florian
while Florian's hand rested so carelessly on Ray's abdomen. Their
faces were serene and almost too beautiful and Laila was surprised to
feel moisture when she blinked.

Turning away, she retraced her path, closing Ray's door softly before
she turned, not downstairs where she might encounter staff, but up
towards the attic. She'd wanted to check on Florian's work and this
was the perfect time. If she happened to linger there a while it was
only because she was tsking over missed cobwebs and undusted corners.
And if she arrived downstairs nearly an hour later with slightly
reddened eyes, it was obviously the fault of dust left behind by
Florian's unfinished attempts at cleaning.

::end part 6:::

gorgeous carat, fic

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