1. what is the middle name of the first person you ever slept with?: I wish I could tell you, but...I've never slept with anyone! Wow! What a surprise~!
2. WHAT kind of underwear ARE YOU WEARING and what color?: They're bikini, tomato soup colored.
3. What is the song you want played at your funeral?: I want the Ataris to play at me funeral. Probably "In Spite of the World" or "Song #13" but they HAVE TO PLAY THERE!
4. what is the phone number of your sluttiest friend so some of the single people can get some action?: I would tell you, but I'm not sure if Erica wants me to give out her number >/ *pissed*
5. WHAT Would Your Last Meal be before getting executed?: Damnit...uh...I dunno. Pizza, brownie with ice cream, chicken and dumplings, shrimp lo mein, coca cola...pumpkin pie with lotsa whipped cream, pumpkin seeds...:D
6. Beatles or Stones?: BEATLES <3
7. if you had to pick one person on earth who should die, who would it be? and why?: Nobody deserves to die.
8. LAST PERSON whose problems you want to hear?: Sarah's 'cause she overreacts and bitches about everything...or maybe Kayla's, she's not that bad but no matter WHAT is going on she's always like "I'm gonna break, someone shoot me" ect
9. what is the thing most important to you (as far as physical) about the opposite sex?: Umm...height. That's kinda strange but I like me guys tall. Not to mention they have to have fairly good teeth and skin. oO;
10. DO YOU secretly hate some of your friends but are too nice to reject them?: Oh, I secretly hate MOST of my friends ^_^
11. if you could have any super power what would it be? Ah...damnit. Flying. I wanna fly.
12. FAVORITE hangover cure?: Umm...yeah. Don't drink.
13. how many drinks does it take to get you drunk?: Uh...it depends on what it is.
14. FAVORITE Lyric?: ARGH NO DON'T ASK ME THIS PLEAAASEE...;_; I like the lyrics to
Brand New - Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades and nearly anything by
The Ataris.
15. HAIR COLOR you most like someone you're dating to have?: Anything but brown really.
16. if you had to be blind or deaf?: DAMNIT. I think blind just 'cause music is all I live for.
17. DO YOU have any psychological problems?: Let's not go into that.
18. SIBLINGS that should go to rehab?: My brother; he needs anger management.
19. least FAVORITE MONTH?: Uh...August 'cause I go back to school.
20. FAVORITE hateful thing to do to someone?: I'm not a hateful person. Kick them in the legs, I guess.
21. first movie you can remember seeing?: Uh...x.x;;; The Lion King me thinks.
22. FAVORITE person in the whole world?: Kris Roe. Fuck the rest of y'all. ;D
23. when's the last time you went on a date?: Uh...I guess when me and Erica and Nick and Mike went to the mall, that could have been interpreted as a "date" but since we weren't going out..never.
24. DO YOU LIKE violent movies or dirty movies?: Dirty; I can't stand violence.
25. FALL OR SPRING?: Fall I guess.
26. person you most wish you hadn't made out with?: Anyone I've made out with, I regret making out with.
28. if you are straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with? if you are gay, pick someone of the opposite sex: Umm...darnit. Gwen Stefani 'cause she's so prettay?
29. where do you want to live when you are old and brittle?: I dunno, never really thought of it.
30. WHO is the person you can count on most?: Most? Uh...myself.
31. if you could date any celebrity past or present, time and age are not factors?: Kris. Come on, was it that hard?!
32. WHAT BOOKS have you pretended to have read?: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley...ha, I still haven't read past chapter 6.
33. WHAT'S a word you would use to describe your life?: Suckalicious.
34. FAVORITE drinking GAME?: Uh...circle of death. :D
Well, sarah just called I guess I'll tell you everything else later.