Nov 16, 2003 20:20 was a boring day. :D I just sat around the house in PJs for most of it.
Sarah came over last night...I tought her everything I knew of the can-can and we listened to music. :D Oh! And today, I went to the mall with Ashley. I bought:
The Ataris : Live At Capitol Milling ( thing to spend 10 dollars on. I can't stop watching it.)
Pop Rocks (funny 'cause I'm wearing my punk rocks shirt)
Candy Necklaces
An Ataris sticker
A pink hair scrunchy thing
Rainbow star earings <3
And a bunch of little stickers that say "Kris" on them. (Ashley thought it would be funny if I bought them, and seeing as they were 30 cents, I did.)
I bought us both supper too, but I think that's all I got. It was so much fun. I ran into Sarah at the mall too. :D
BTW, Darlyn - I don't need anything for Christmas. ^^; Thanks though <3
Satanic Sorbet: I was eating pop rocks....
Satanic Sorbet: And like, there was a piece of bouncy ball right in front of the container
Satanic Sorbet: That was the EXACT same color\
Satanic Sorbet: So I tried to eat it.
DOREMI dan: ........
Satanic Sorbet: lmfao
Satanic Sorbet: I can't believe myself