Nov 11, 2003 21:06
001. What is your name: Nicole Bernadette x.x
002. Spell your name backwards: x.x ettedanreB elociN
003. Date of birth: April 1st, 1989
004. Male or female: female
005. Astrological sign: aries
006. Nicknames: Sakura Cherries, Sakkie, Zephyr, Lu, Armida Guadalupe (ha...glad I don't get called that much anymore), Nikki, and DON'T ask but...Cheeks, Reggie, and Speedy. XD
007. Occupation: student, professional sleeper. XD
008. Height: 5'8"
009. Weight: Wouldn't you like to know.
010. Hair color: Brown :D
011. Eye color: Hazel @_@
012. Where were you born: Joliet, Saint Joe's. :D
013. Where do you reside now: Joliet, IL...yep.
014. Age: 14 and 7 months, 10 days.
015. Screen names: Satanic Sorbet, Blue Sky Sunrise, Chococat Chokora, and lots more that I never use.
016. E-mail addy:
017. What does your screen name stand for: Satanic Sorbet = no clue. Blue Sky Sunrise = I wanted an Ataris related origional's the name of a picture's link on their site. XD Chococat Chokora = think cute thoughts.
018. What is your LJ name: higouhou
019. What does your LJ name stand for: I used to like the song "Higouhou Drug" by Due Le Quartz I used "higouhou", higouhou meaning illegal, suggesting lots of stuff. XD
020. Pets: cat named An'Ya, dog named Denali
021. Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake: I honestly can't remember...14 if my parents know how to count.
022. Piercings: 1. My ears. You wait 'til summer though >D
023. Tattoo's: None, but as soon as I'm old enough I know what ones I want already.
024. Shoe size: Really big. Probably 10 or 11.
025. Righty or lefty: righty :D
026. Wearing: Rainbow brite shirt, loose jeans.
027. Hearing: Antifreeze - San Dimas Highschool Football Rules (Ataris Cover)
028. Feeling: sleepy and sore
029. Eating/drinking: Uh...Coca Cola I guess. XD
~Guys/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~
061. Have you ever been in love: yes and it suckith
062. How many people have you said "I love you" to: I say I love you to every single person I know pretty much.
063. How many people have you been in love with: twice and it sucks every time x.x
064. How many people have you kissed: 6! Wow. Only 1 of those meant anything though.
065. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex: Yes. (It was truth or dare and if you think I but out of silly children's games you're WRONG XD)
066. How many people have you dated: Never dated anyone.
067. What do you look for in a guy/girl: There's no really standard...physically NEVER counts, but if you must I do like skinny guys, no other real standards....looking like Kris Roe would count...and if your name was Kris Roe I think it would count even more XD for non-physical traits, I just want someone who cares about me.
068. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: Eyes, I think.
069. What type of guy/girl do you usually go for: No certain type.
073. Do you have a crush right now: A crush? Yeah.
074. If so who is it: Hahah...I could tell you who I think is cute but that would be the end of that :3
075. Do you believe in love at first sight: According to Ashley, the reason why I like Kris so much is 'cause it was "Love at first sight" no. Just infatuation at first sight. XD
076. Do you remember your first love: first LOVE? yeah.
077. Who is the first person you kissed: Well, HE kissed ME, but my brother's best friend Joey.
078. Do you believe in fate: Not sure.
079. Do you believe in soul mates: Not sure.
080. If so do you believe you'll ever find yours: Nope. "Chasin the sun isn't my kind of fun, yeah...I'd rather sit and catch snowflakes on my tongue. When summer's gone, I won't be sad, as you cling on to all the good times that you've had...'cause being alone isn't really all that bad."
~Family Stuff~
104. How many siblings do you have: 2
105. What are/is your parent('s) name(s): Christina/Tina and Lawrence/Larry
106. What are/is your sibling(s)'s name(s): Natalie and Michael. (or is it Micheal?)
107. How many siblings does your mother have: 2
108. How many siblings does your father have: 9
109. Where are your parents from: America :D
111. Does your family get together for holidays: Sometimes~
112. Do you have a drunk uncle: He lived in our basement for a bit 'cause he didn't have a home. Yes I do.
113. Any medical problems run through your family: yes x.x
114. Does someone in your family wear a toupee: I don't think so XD
115. Do you have any nieces or nephews: Nope XD
116. Are your parents divorced: Nope, which is strange nowadays
117. Do you have step parents: Nope
118. Has your family ever disowned another member of your family: I don't think so, but...ah.
120. Did some of your family come to America from another country: Well, they had to of 'cause I'm not full blooded Native American, am I? :P
~Music Stuff~
121. What song do you swear was written about you or your life: (BTW Lisa, AWSOME answer XD) Uh...Broken Promise Ring, Song #13, Angry Nerd Rock, Answer:, In Spite of the World, Losing Streak, Cute Without the E (Cut from the Team), Myself...and if you haven't noticed, only one of those weren't by The Ataris ^_^
122. What's the most embarrasing cd you own: ...N'Sync, No Strings Attatched. XD
123. What's the best cd you own: Oooh...So Long Astoria, End is Forever, Blue Skies Broken Hearts...Next 12 Exits, Anywhere But Here...I like patterns obviously ^_^
124. What song do you absolutely hate: Oooh..."So Yesterday" by Lizzy McGuire, "Sk8r Boi" by Avril Lavigne...scratch that, ANYTHING by Avril...
125. Do you sing in the shower: When nobody's home. XD
126. What song reminds you of that special someone: Broken Promise Ring, definately.
152. Color: I love RAINBOWS! I like every color pretty much. :D
153. Food: Ooh...that's hard. I like Shrimp Lo Mein and pizza and zucchini and pumpkin pie and pumpkin seeds and and....XD
154. Song: Anything by The Ataris <3
155. Show: Uh...well I don't watch TV at all anymore (EXCEPT for music as for favorite shows Dedicate Live and Power Fuse and Number 1 Countdown [It's all really really good stuff]), I guess Fruits Basket or 8 Simple Rules.
156. School subject: French <3
157. Band/singer/artist: THE ATARIS
158. Animal: kitteh <3
159. Outfit: favorite one I OWN? my ataris shirt with those pants with the hole in the knee with fishnets underneath, a candy necklace, all of my bracelets and my pretty sketchers...maybe my army coat to complete the ensemble. Oh and my star belt. XD
160. Radio station: Don't listen to it much but mostly 94.7
161. Movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas...and some other stuff
162. Pair of shoes: my brownish black sketcher boots with the rainbow laces *_*
163. Cartoon: As in anime, Fruits Basket. Otherwise, THE ANGRY BEAVERS...spoooot...
164. Actor: Kris Roe! XD; So what if it's a small role and I've never even seen the movie...>>;
165. Actress: Agent M, even though I haven't seen the movie with her tiny role. XD
166. Potato chip: Umm...Baked Lays. Or the kettle cooked kind. XD
168: Soda: ....SODA!!!!!!
169. Holiday: I like Halloween and Christmas
170. Perfume/cologne: Uh...that Rasperry shit they have at Hot Topic XD;
171. Pizza topping: PINEAPPLEEEEEEEE
172. Jello flavor: Uh...purple. Do they have purple jello? If not, they should.
173. Lunch meat: Salami me thinks
174. Card Game: ...appropriate card game? XD POKEMON!!! fuck yeah!! XD
175. Video game: FF7 or DDR
176. Website: <3
177. Book: The Harry Potter series, or for manga, I like Time Stranger Kyoko and Ayashi no Ceres <3
178. Computer game: Ooh...the Sims :D
179. Number: 7, 13, 17, 21
180. Cereal: I dunno...uh...Waffle Crisp, Triple Berry Cheerios, Count Chocula (which I haven't had in forever...oh Count, I pine for you!)
181. Comedian: Dane Cook, 'cause that's all I've heard XD
182. Dessert: ooh...can't pick just one. XD
183. Disney character: SIMBA OWNS ALL Y'ALL.
184. Clothing store: Uh...don't shoot me, but Hot Topic *dodges bullets*
185. Past time: LISTENING TO MUSIC
186. Teacher: Mrs. Schoedl ;-;
187. Childhood toy: Uh...Teddy. The one I got in the ambulence. And I like Tedduselumps (don't even ASK where I get my names...I used to call my old cat Furball "Smudgeleum Kitters" XD)
188. Carnival game/ride: those things that go way to the top and then drop you again. *squee* (So sue me, selection is limited)
189. Candy bar: Can't pick just one XD
190. Magazine: I like Alternative Press 'cause they had the Ataris on their cover. XDD
191. Salad dressing: I guess ranch.
192. Thing to do on the weekend: Sleep, listen to music, sleep
193. Hot drink: Umm...tea <3 hot cocoa is nice in the winter
194. Season: I love love love winter. <3 Nostalgia...and summer is nice too.
195. Sport to watch: Don't much care.
196. Person to talk to online: Can't pick just one XD
~Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits~
197. What color are your sheets: When I use them, white with pink stripes.
198. What color are your bedroom walls: very light pink (we decided the color when Nat and I were like...6. I wanted white and she wanted pink.)
199. Do you have posters on your wall: Yes'm.
200. If so of what: Uh...well I have about 300 Anime/Music related pictures on my wall, a poster of Skuld from Ah! My Godess that I drew 3 years ago, System of a Down, Spice Girls (STFU), and an Utena poster.
201. Do you have a tv in your bedroom: Yes but it's my parents old one.
202. How many pillows are on your bed: or two.
203. What do you normally sleep in: Shirt and underwear. :D
204. Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: Don't much have a favorite pair, I guess my cow ones that I CAN'T WEAR ;-;
205. What size bed do you have: Twin. x.x
206. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed: my normal bed is a daybed XD
207. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom: No x.x
209. Describe the last nightmare you had: Aw was like, I had gotten arrested by this evil queen for something I didn't do, and then when I broke out and went to school 2 years later, nobody remembered me...then after crying and being so sad and getting caught I came back again in 2 more years, and everyone tried to turn me in. It wasn't much a nightmare but it made me so sad.
210. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Only if one's around.
211. How many people can comfortably sleep comfortably in your bed: just one :D
212. Do you sleep in any unusual positions:'d just have to see me.
213. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling: YES AND IT BLOWS
214. Do you snore: nope XD
215. How about drool: I'll admit, about half of the time
216. Do you have an alarm clock in your room: yes'm
217. What color is the carpet in your room: disgusting grey
218. What's under your bed: do you REALLY want to know?