1. Are your parents married or divorced?
Divorced when I was about 15; it was VERY messy
2. Are you a vegetarian?
No, I loves da meat.
3. Do you believe in Heaven?
hmmm, ummmm, I dunno. Jeez.
4. Have you ever come close to dying?
Not really close but I did take a lot of pills in hopes of dying (about 10 years ago) I spent the whole night vomiting and promising never to take a lot of pills again. The next morning I called my shrink.
5. What jewelery do you wear 24/7?
2 fold hoops in each ear. I've had my ears pierced since I was a baby and always wore gold hoops. The second hole came when I was 12.
6. Favorite time of day?
food time
7. Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
I'd rather not eat broccoli.
8. Do you wear makeup?
I loves makeup. Yes, byt not daily.
9. Ever have plastic surgery?
Yes, I had my boobies reduced when I was 18 (I'm still a large D-cup y'all) and I had something else done, but I don't really tell many people about that.
11. What do you wear to bed?
T-shirt and underwear, but lately I've been NAKED.
12. Have you ever done anything illegal?
Yes! Laws are for p*ssies!
13. Can you roll your tongue?
Not blessed with that genectic abberration.
14. Do you tweeze your eyebrows?
15. What kind of sneakers?
Used to be converse, but lately I've been into Ponys
16.Do you believe in abortions?
Like duh. But a better question is "do you believe in equal access to health care for all females and the right to control their birth control options and not have their bodies violated?"
chreebomb said.
17. What is your hair color?
dk. brown. I gotta dye it because my really dark brown/black roots are showing too much.
18. Future child’s name?
Anna Rosa
JohnFranson (thanks
19. Do you snore?
Yes, but not *that* loudly.
20. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
Too many places, Japan, Brazil, Senegal, India, Italy...
21. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
No, I have three fat cats who sleep with me.
22. If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
Two words: Shopping Spree
23. Gold or silver?
Gold, baby
24. Hamburger or hot dog?
Burgers, baby, though I love Nathan's or Hebrew National Hot Dogs
25. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Maki Sushi (you can roll most anything in rice and it'll taste good)
26. City, beach or country?
27. What was the last thing you touched?
The keyboard
28. Where did you eat last?
At the kitchen table
29. When’s the last time you cried?
Yipee, it's been a good while!!! I can't even remember.
30. Do you read blogs?
dumb question
31. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
Ewwww, no, that's so weird....ugh...dumb questions. I would but I don't know how *good* it would look.
32. Ever been involved with the police?
Do you mean intimately?
33. What’s your favorite shampoo conditioner and soap?
I like Aussie products cuz they smell good and Dove Cool Moisture Soap
34. Do you talk in your sleep?
35. Ocean or pool?
Ocean but I'll take any large mass of water.
36. So, who has the original missing questions?
Same person who stole the cookie from the cookie jar.
37. Who would you take on a ménage à trois for a dirty weekend?
I refuse to answer because I don't want to be limited to only 2 others.
38. Window seat or aisle?
39. Ever met anyone famous?
I accidently wondered backstage at an outdoor P-Funk concert and saw who I thought was a crazy guy dancing around and eating ribs. Upon second glance I realized that the crazy guy was George Clinton. I've also met Tori Amos and Jerry Rice.
40. Do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life?
No, I'm still working on that.
41. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
I'm a twirler. There's something about cut spaghetti that I find weird.
42. Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey?
So Ricki isn't even on anymore. Damn, how long has this meme been going around?
43. Basketball or Football?
44. How long do your showers last?
Until the hot water in my apt runs out. About 5-10min.
45. Automatic or do you drive a stick?
I love driving stick; it just makes me feel sexy. But with the hilliness of Seattle an automatic is a little easier.
46. Cake or ice cream?
Ice Cream Cake *smug face*
47. Are you self-conscious?
Yes, but far less than I used to be. The thing I'm not self-conscious about is getting naked on stage, go figure.
48. Have you ever drank so much you threw up?
Yes, but thankfully it's been a long while.
49. Have you ever given money to a beggar?
50. Have you been in love?
Lucky for me I have been in love multiple times.
51. Where do you wish you were?
On the beach in the sun.
52. Are you wearing socks?
These misc. gray-blue socks that I think used to belong to David.
53. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
54. Can you tango?
55. Last gift you received?
Chocolates from T.
56. Last sport you played?
Do watersports count...*giggle* Ummm, I do DO sports.
57. Things you spend a lot of money on?
Clothes, shoes, food.
58. Where do you live?
Seattle, WA
59. Where were you born?
Prince Georges County, MD
60. Last wedding attended?
I haven't been to very many weddings at all. I think the last one was David's sister's wedding many years ago. The last reception was
61. Spit or swallow?
62. Favorite position?
Either good old missonary or Femme on TOP!
63. Most hated food(s)?
65. Can you sing?
No, but I'm a kareoke fool!
66. Last person you instant messaged?
Natalie, yesterday.
67. Last place you went on holiday?
Oh what a lovely way to put it. Vancouver, luv.
68. Favorite regular drink?
Fresh Apple Cider, Real Orangeade
69. Current Song?
I'm watching TV. My current booty shaking song is JT's "My Love"
70. Tag 3 friends
Nah, I ain't like dat.