
Jan 29, 2017 21:45

Just found out that despite setting my LJ to "NO LOOKIE!" for spiders and webcrawlers, I found out that at least a few will still archive my posts. So, say sorry, I'm making this journal not friends only, so to speak, but non-spider/webcrawler friendly.

Which means, in LJ terms, it's friends only. Blarg. I'm sure you know the drill--wanna be added, comment...I only mean that because my attention span for my profile page is measured in nanoseconds and I'll likely not notice I'd been friended if'n y'all don't tell me.

Or, if you're really hatin' on LJ, I've got an InsaneJournal here and you're quite welcome to friend me there if you've got an IJ. I'm moving my "base of operations" to IJ, but still cross-posting here for now.
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