Jan 02, 2009 15:17
happy! new! year!
i would've loved to say, its the first day of school today. but its not for me. :( my pri1 tuition kid's first day of school. my OC's pri1 daughter's first day of school. it didn't occur to me though in the morning when i donned my green and sat at the bus stop, wondering why there was such a huge traffic jam and why my bus stop seemed so much more crowded and colourful. it only hit me after a while.
then when i passed several pri schools on my way to work, i saw a lot of kids in newly ironed, unseasoned uniforms. and parents huddling outside the school gate. haha its like eons ago when i first entered pri school and my mom followed me to the gate with my lunch box and water bottle. i was so... (uh. i can't remember how i was feeling. but probably..) scared. it must really be immense for a parent when your kid hits pri school. its one of the milestones in his life. the first word, pri school!!, first A for his exam, first F for his exam, first trophy, first friend invited over to his house, first birds&bees talk, secondary school!!, first contraceptive thrown at the opposite sex, first girlfriend, first breakup talk, jc!!, ARMYYYYYYYYY. yadda yadda.
ok back to the main point. seriously, i can't imagine myself holding a kid (my kid) by his hand, leading him towards the gate that will take him on the most arduous but inevitable journey thats called singaporean education. then standing at the gate with other kiasu parents. gazing at my son with pride in my heart. BUT ITS GONNA HAPPEN. GAWD I FEEL DAMN OLD. I'M LIKE J5 ALREADY. waahhhh.
my new year resolution for 2009:
drink a nice big glass of milk. OH, I've FULFILLED IT!