Hey all! Are we ready to do this again this year? WHOO!
Becuase, yep, it's now TIME. Time for the Multi Fandom Car Porn/Fic Challenge!
Behind the cuts you will have the rules. There are a few changes from last year 'till now, so read them carefully, ok?
how this is going to work! )
General - "I tried so hard to carry on the words that my daddy preached, but I guess I'll have to face that lonely highway for another week." -- Django Walker, Texas Blacktop Highway
General - "The first rule of Italian driving---what's behind me is not important!" -- The Gumball Rally
General - "I've been drivin' all night / My hand's wet on the wheel / There's a voice in my head / That drives my heel / It's my baby callin', / Says: I need you here / And it's a half past four / And I'm shifting gear" -- Golden Earring, Radar Love
Jericho - Jake in his Road Runner...doing something heroic?
Jericho - Events surrounding the Road Runner while Jonas had it, because he's a badass and there was bound to be some intense shit going down.
Supernatural - Five Things That Happened in the Impala that Dean Doesn't Know About
House, M.D. - Whatever haappened to the Corvette House got from the mobster in season one?
XOVER - Supernatural/Stephen King's "Christine" - The Metallicar versus Christine.
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