My love of pizza

Nov 16, 2014 22:43

I love pizza. Truly. I could have it several times a week if it wasn't so bad for me. Now, imagine having pizza for every meal, every single day for months on end. When it's snack time, you get pizza. When you go home, you brush your teeth with pizza toothpaste. Too much? Yeah, that's how I feel about Click right now. It's been fourteen, sixteen, eighteen hours a day for months on end and I've about had my fill.

I absolutely love what I do and can't see myself doing anything else. I'm not gun shy about starting the business and honestly believe that we'll be profitable in the fairly near future. However, there are things about the overall environment at Click that are starting to make me queasy. I had a customer corner me this afternoon with pricing that supposedly came from my business partner. I wasn't privy to the original conversation, so I don't know which party is half-truthing me. Either way, the customer got mad at me that I wouldn't "honor" the price she may have been quoted (or quite possibly made up to see if I would bite). She took her project and left. That doesn't happen. When a customer goes to that amount of effort to put a project together, they may have misgivings about the price or the timeframe in which it would be completed - but they obviously want the project done. This is the first time that I can remember where a customer tightened their jaw, grabbed the box and wheeled out of the store I was working in.

It should go without saying that my world view is entirely affected by the way I perceive things happening around me. Right now, I'm on overload. I'm surprised it's taken this long, actually. Do I work too hard? Without question. I work this hard because I have so much at risk in this venture and I get irritated easily when others don't take this as seriously as I do. It's also difficult for me to say anything; to my co-workers, my friends or even my family, because I don't want to upset the apple cart. So, I lay in bed in a living environment where I'm uncomfortable and watch YouTube videos with noise cancelling headphones while I try and shut off the spin inside my head. It often takes several hours. Tonight, it's several hours and a livejournal entry. I'm still not entirely sure that I've worked out enough stress tonight to make tomorrow morning pleasant.

I have an 8am appointment at the store with an insurance agent. A 9am appointment with a health care specialist. 10am, the website people. On Tuesday, it's the Mayor's Breakfast. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess the menu for breakfast both days: PIZZA.
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