(no subject)

Apr 15, 2005 17:50

Eternity. When you think about it in the right context, it seems so daunting. My usual reaction is to sink into a depression triggered by the realization that all my troubles and even my life and the lives of others are all trivial. That briefly has morphed into what may be an even greater epiphany; Everything's made out of the same stuff, right? I mean, when you get right down to it. It's all just vibrations of energy. Maybe it's random, maybe predetermined or maybe even both. The point is that everything in the universe seems to be happening for no reason at all. So what I currently hypothesize is that all of it should be assigned the same value: no value. Giant clouds of dust consume solar systems, randomized sub-atomic particles create animated matter and we call it "life" (really, everything made of the same stuff, so by that definition it's all 'alive') because of how it behaves, stars explode and form, galaxies are crushed in epochal blinks of an eye. But for what?

Maybe existence is it's own reason. Non-existence, well, doesn't exist. There's no such thing. Nothing isn't a big black void, or a great white expanse. There are no colors, no space to move, no room to "be." That's why it can't exist, because we are surrounded by eternity, we make it up, we exemplify it. Nothing can't exist if something does.

Human beings are but a highly specified branch of a double sided fractal, the root of which ends with eternity on both sides. We are infinitely small in our makeup, the existence which surrounds us is infinitely large. But small and large are just limits that have been (one could say almost artificially) created by the universal constants. There really isn't any such thing as size.

We help makeup existence. Maybe that's the reason we exist, at the most fundamental level. The reason everything exists. So that eternity can be real. Because existence only comes in two flavors, Eternity and nothingness.

I don't know. I lost my train of thought. Happens often when thinking about this stuff.
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