Day 50
1. Elle
wakes up in Landel's Institute. At first she thinks it might be Pinehearst. That thought is put to rest pretty fast.
2. Elle
meets Yukari in the Sun Room. Yukari tries to give her the intro to Landel's and let her know what's going on. Elle is skeptical. She also invades Yukari's personal space and decides King Kong sucks.
3. Elle
is an awesome artist in the arts and crafts room.
4. Elle
meets her roommate Claire. Littleton, not Bennet. She's pretty sure Claire is too crazy for life, and makes no attempt to hide it. She also tries to break the truth about Landel's to her. Not so gently.
Night 50
1. After that enlightening conversation with Claire L., Elle is more than happy to
escape to the hallway.
2. In her haste, she forgot her flashlight. While looking for someone to steal one from, she
bumps into Claire B. in the F-A block hallway.
3. She continues on with her to the
main hallway. They talk about their abilities. Or lack thereof.
4. As they
continue on, Elle begins to realize that her ability isn't the only one malfunctioning in Landel's. There's some girl on girl violence. It's hot.
5. They finally make it
to the field. They bitch at each other some more as they try to get the door to the activities shed open. It's hard work for both of them.
6. After some work,
they make it in. And get bats. But life is sad.
Day 51
1. Elle wakes up and
goes to breakfast. And happens to run into Peter. He's surprised to see her because last he knew… Sylar killed Elle. So he tries to warn her about it. But Elle is convinced she's got this. Or at least… wants Peter to think so.
2. After moping about being told she's going to die all after noon, she
meets Claire L. in the arts and crafts room. Fun was had by all.
Night 51
1. Elle
leaves her room and starts down the hall, remembering her flashlight and her baseball bat from the night before.
2. And
continues down the F-A block hallway.
still continuing.4.
More continuing. She decides to go upstairs because nothing could possibly go wrong there.
5. Except
it does. Already. She sparks and almost trips and cracks the lens on her flashlight.
6. But she marches on,
and starts wandering around upstairs.
7. And
wanders more.
8. She
makes it to the staff-only patio, and tries to look for an escape route with her overhead advantage. But it's too dark. Bummer.
9. So she tries the next door, which leads
to the staff-only food counter.10. Only to find Sylar
in the kitchen. Bad shit happens.
Day 52
1. After skipping breakfast,
Elle meets with Jo in the library. Elle gives her the 101 on Landel's, and they both start working on an elaborate plan to escape.
2. Elle's day can only get better when she
meets up with Claire B. at lunch. She relays her Sylar encounter to Claire, while Claire forces her to relive her tragic emo past.
3. In the game room,
Isaac catches Elle's attention. She tries to be flirtychan and, after failing, they play Donkey Kong and exchange stories about their hard institutional lives.
Claire L. and Elle meet up to have a lovely dinner together, only to have it ruined over Claire's suspicions that their food is poisoned.
Night 52
1. Elle
wanders out into the world with no particular purpose in mind.
2. Elle
runs into a rebooted Yukari, and has to give her the 411. Also, her shadow does some weird shit and it's disconcerting.
Day 53
1. She runs into Peter and
shares another breakfast with him, where she divulges more of her Sylar-filled past and cries. She also agrees to work with Peter and Claire in their effort to stop Sylar.
2. Then it's time to go to the Sun Room. While sulking next to the bulletin board, Elle runs into
one Jim Kirk. And decides to get her flirtychans on again. Look, he could be a really useful bodyguard in her effort to protect herself from Sylar. [ongoing]
3. Elle
runs into Jo again in the Music Room. [ongoing]
4. At dinnertime, Elle and Claire L.
have a catfight over pie. That only ends when Elle is whisked away for M-U. :c