
May 20, 2008 08:53

Character: Soren
Series: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Character Age: Possibly 18, but appears to be younger

Canon: In the beginning, Path of Radiance seems to be a simple tale of a group of hearty mercenaries putting the rightful ruler of their land back onto the throne. But things go awry when shape-shifting creatures, laguz, a holy medallion long thought lost, and a king bent on reviving a dark goddess get involved. Part strategy and part RPG, Path of Radiance supplies you with a diverse cast of characters and a convoluted plot. In the style of Final Fantasy, nothing is ever what it seems in Fire Emblem.

Soren, the tactician of the mercenaries, is best described as being 'pragmatic'. Born half-human and half-laguz, Soren was branded with a mark for this 'crime'. Life since then has taught him all the necessary skills of survival; don't trust people, don't trust your emotion, do what you must to survive, and never reveal that you are a branded. Before joining the band of mercenaries, Soren was picked up by a magician from whom he learned to read and write, but it was only much later that he learned to speak. He has no use for tact or for lies and finds it preferable to say it like he sees it, with some added scathing insult just to hammer the point home, which has led to him having very few friends. Soren does not appear to mind this however, and is quite content with his books and his reports. As the chief strategist for Greil's Mercenaries he has a talent for finding the most logical, if not the most moral or ethical, solution to a problem. But for all his flaws there is no doubt in anyone's mind that he is a first-rate strategist and a powerful magician beside.

Sample Post:

Madam Director,

As you are the person in charge, I assume I am to direct all complaints, threats, and ideas to you. If this is not the case, I would like to remind you that you have brought this upon yourself. Some of my fellow prisoners, for lack of a better word, tell me that you are a woman of questionable intelligence, while others have implied that you are of questionable sanity. Having seen - and I am thankful it was only 'seen' and not 'experienced' - the gorillas with a rape-fetish, I was unsure of which category you were in and how to accordingly treat you. But you will be pleased to note that after careful consideration, I have chosen to give you the same caution that I would extend to anyone. Perhaps even more so, because after all, Madam Director, insanity is the mother of all things dangerous and idiocy is its father. But I digress.

My primary, and lone, complaint is in regard to just how special this prison camp is. And by special I mean, of course, demented.

Allow me to explain; I am a tactician and as such I am intimately familiar with logic. Logic is the foundation of reality, it is the pattern which all things follow. This place appears to be disregarding all of that, and blatantly defies every rule of reality and possibly a lot of the rules of un-reality as well. I am sorely tempted to ask what possessed you to allow the growth of certain vegetations and tentacle monsters with rape-fetishes. Actually, I suppose I should be asking about the creator's obsession with rape-fetishes; but I doubt I would want to hear the answer. In any case, please allow me to say that I find myself thoroughly, severely and immensely grateful for the various magic tomes I have within my possession.

It should hardly surprise you now when I say that I wish to escape. I am searching for someone of great importance to me and being trapped in this prison camp of yours is a severe delay. I cannot say with any degree of certainty that I will most definitely escape, as only fools and gods would ever be so arrogant. But I will do everything in my power to give you reason to regret your choice in prisoner. As previously stated, I am a tactician, and likely I could come up with several ways to disrupt your camp. It would most certainly be a pity if rebellions from creatures, vegetations and prisoners alike were to become a monthly occurrence, wouldn't it?

There is, of course, another option you may wish to consider; hire my considerable intelligence in your search for your fiancé's murderer. The payment need not be monetary and I could be persuaded to lower the usual price. If that is indeed your wish, I am sure we can come to an agreement.

With Regards,

Tactician Soren.

((Voting went here))


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