I stumbled on this accidentally via a google search and I am intrigued. I know you said run like hell from your stories that are marked 1/? but I just couldn't help it as you have hit my ultimate kink, MU!Spock and Hurtin!McCoy. Here's hoping the muse bites and you continue cuz this sounds like a hell of a ride.
I had actually just switched this, and all other 1/?'s to hidden, to prevent this. I switched it back, but no promises! I've gotta say, it's one of my ultimate kinks as well. I'm hair deep in another fandom at the moment, but if I wander back, this will be my first stop.
Comments 3
I stumbled on this accidentally via a google search and I am intrigued. I know you said run like hell from your stories that are marked 1/? but I just couldn't help it as you have hit my ultimate kink, MU!Spock and Hurtin!McCoy. Here's hoping the muse bites and you continue cuz this sounds like a hell of a ride.
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