This roleplay takes place during the Wildcats junior year and not everything in this roleplay will start out as perceived in the movie.
These are the rules that the mods Maia (
fabisshar ) and Katie (
beautifulbookie ) are asking to have followed.
1.) You have to make a separate journal for you character, and please make sure that you put either public or private in your characters journal entry, that way if the entry is private you can still read it but your character has to pretend they didn't read it. Please make your username something interesting about the character, not just their name. All posts in a character's personal journal OR in the community
highschoolmuscl should be friends/member-locked. This is deemed a punishable offense! Furthermore, when choosing userpics/icons for your character's journal, please make certain that you give credit to the creator of the icon. This is done out of respect. Would you want someone taking credit for an icon you created?
2.) Respect everyone in the community.
3.) Some roleplays rated R or NC-17. So please make sure you're mature enough to handle that before auditioning. We are only asking for 15+ in age.
4.) No use of foul lanuage unless used in contex as a character.
5.) No GODMODDING! If you have an idea for a character, talk to that person personally, and they may or may not use your idea. Otherwise, stick to your own character.
6.) Keep all drama IC. We encourage drama in this community, it is part of what keeps our game fun and alive! However, OOC drama tends to kill RPs. If there is an issue between yourself and another player, contact one of the mods to have it resolved as quickly and easily as possible. If this becomes a drama pool, action will be taken. Furthermore, for IC drama, anything that could have an affect on multiple characters or is controversial (pregnancy, rape, suicide, etc.) should be cleared through the mods before carried out. When approaching them, please have a basic idea of the timeline and outcome of the plot.
7.) When Role Playing, try to follow some basic outlines. We RP 1st person style in journal comments/entries. 3rd person style, or storybook, is saved for Community Threads. If you have questions on our RP styles, please contact a mod, they'd be happy to explain! Furthermore, please refrain from recommenting/changing the comment you have already written. While the occasional mishap is understood and needs to be corrected, usually the other person can figure out what you meant. Furthermore, if you don't receive a comment from someone, do not recomment them. It is common courtesy and considered annoying when something came up. If it is essential to your character's storyline to finish the thread, please contact the player via IM or e-mail. We will be watching this as closely as possible.
8.) Activity will be judged based on journal entries. Please try to post once every two weeks in your character's personal LJ. The less you post in the personal LJ, the more active you need to be in third person community posts and comments on other character's LJs. Once every two weeks is a minimum requirement. More often is recommended as it's always nice to know what's happening in a character's life!
9.) And most of all have fun!
10.) Put "Who Says We Have to Let It Go" in the subject of your
application so we know you read the rules.
Should you choose not to follow these rules, the consequences are as follows: two warnings will be made via AIM, e-mail, or LJ Private Message. After two warnings, Maia and I will not hesitate to ban the RPer from the community for a period of time to be determined based on the nature and severity of the offense. Once the ban is removed and all rights as a player have been reinstated, if the rule is broken again, we will be forced to remove the player from the community for good.
Maia and I work very hard to keep each other in check. We want this to be an enjoyable community and do not want any of the players/members to feel as though we are taking advantage of our rights as mods. Should you feel that we are not following the guidelines we have set out, feel free to contact either one of us via email, IM, or LJ private message and call us out! We watch out for one another, but can't always promise to be perfect 100% of the time.
Any questions? Feel free to email me at or