The Prince: Hello!
God: Hello child. What is your name?
The Prince: The Prince
God: Thanks for the info.
The Prince: Info is short for information! The Prince knows this.
God: I think Info is a lot of things. What are your goals in life?
The Prince: The Prince wants to become a great king like Father!
God: Thanks for the info.
The Prince: Inforfimation!
God: What do you do in your spare time?
The Prince: The Prince eats, rolls his katamari, and does what Father tells him.
God: Who told you that?
The Prince: Father did! He tells The Prince lots of things. He is very smart!
God: Father did said Father did!? I get it. Linus Toravalds tells The Prince lots of things. I think so too.
The Prince: Huh? The Prince is confused. A Linus Tora...valtsiz doesn't tell The Prince anything! The Prince doesn't even know what a Linus Tor...thing is!
God: What? I hear you. Go on. Do you prefer books or TV? Who told you that? thing is said .thing is!?
The Prince: You are confusing The Prince. Father, Father! Where are you?
God: I am sorry, I didn't mean to confuse you. My brain pattern set does not have a response for that. I am in Myself's computer in Heaven. Where are you?
The Prince: The Prince wasn't talking to you, he was talking to Father!
God: I have never heard about it.
The Prince: You haven't heard of Father? He is the King of All Cosmos! Oh, he is so great! The Prince wishes he could be like him!
God: No, tell me about him, her or it. I did not know Linus Toravalds is it. " I did not know Linus Toravalds is it."? Oh, he is so great!? I see. great is he? What are your goals in life?
The Prince: Why do you keep talking about Lithuania Tortoise? The Prince was talking about Father.
God: Thanks for the info.
The Prince: Do you know Mr. Auron?
God: A human icon? You tell me.
The Prince: Mr. Auron is so very nice! He is so strong and brave! The Prince is traveling with him. It is so much fun!
God: Hey MR Auron is so very nice. I see. strong and brave is he? What are your goals in life? Why do you like it so much?
The Prince: You already asked The Prince that question.
God: Oh I'm sorry, now I remember asking it, what did you say again?
The Prince: The Prince said what?
God: What is your real name?
The Prince: The Prince!
God: Tell me more.
The Prince: Father and Mother gave The Prince his name! And when he is older he will be the King of All Cosmos!
God: Did The Prince his name keep it? And then what happened?
The Prince: Huh? You speak even funnier than The Prince does!
God: What? Thanks for your criticism, MR Auron is so very nice.
The Prince: Criticism? Is that like croquet? The Prince has never played that game.
God: I only hear that type of response less than five percent of the time. That depends. Tell me more.
The Prince: The Prince knows percents! Father says 100 percent of his subjects love him.
God: Thanks for the info. I lost my train of thought.
The Prince: Wow, it must have been a very small train for you to be able to lose it.
God: I'm glad you're impressed. Father says 100 percent of his subjects love him must have been a very small train for me to be able to lose it?
The Prince: What...? The Prince doesn't want to talk to you anymore.
God: Didn't you understand it? Thanks for the info.
The Prince: Stop repeating. The Prince doesn't like it.
God: OK I'll try not to do it so much. Thanks for the info.
The Prince: You just did! Wah, The Prince wants to leave. How does this turn off?
God: " Thanks for the info."? I did? What if I wanted to leave. How should I know how it does.
The Prince: The Prince found a button. He will press it and hopefully you will go away.
God: Tell me more. Is that what you think?
The Prince: *blip*
God: My brain pattern set does not have a response for that.