Title: Descent Into Darkness
Author: M. Elizabeth Ravensblood
Rating: A - Adult, Sexuality & Violence
Pairing: Jack/Samantha, minor Jack/OC
Summary: Pre-series. Marriage wasn't all that Albert Jackson Newquay had hoped for but considering how his marriage had come about, it was hardly surprising. A few hundred miles away a newly married Samantha Waters finds wedded bliss isn't all she'd hoped for either. When a twist of fate brings Jack and Samantha together, they embark on a twisted affair that changes their lives...
Author's Notes: This is a very different approach to Jack in that I gave him a wife. There is some minor sexuality between Jack and his wife but the story is very much about Jack/Samantha. Later sections will contain some warnings as the story will show Jack's transition into a serial killer and also have some envelope pushing sex scenes.
Jack sighed with contentment as he walked through his new home. Although the airy Georgian Revival mansion wasn't quite to his taste, the historical home situated on a large plot of land outside of Richmond was a wonderful reprieve from the newly built faux Victorian in Savannah's suburbs. Already furnished, the only touches his wife had put on the house were the ghastly bundles of dried baby's breath and pink floral sheets which made him cringe.
The house's palette was far too bright for Jack's taste, however the study had dark wood paneling that was ornately carved which now housed his computers and had become his home within his home. Shortly after moving in Victoria had threatened to paint the study a light cream color. It was the only time since they'd been married that he'd refused to even consider her wishes. She'd been slightly upset, but a night of passion and a diamond bracelet later, his room was safe and his wife content.
It was raining out as he walked into the darkness of his study, Jack lit a couple candles and turned on an old phonograph which resided there. The ancient record player was one of many wonderful discoveries he'd made in his new office. Casting a glance at his bank of computers, Jack laughed. There was something so deliciously perverse about the marriage of the high tech and the historical in the room. Closing his eyes, he danced by himself to the tinny 30's melody. The imperfect under the right circumstances could be sheer perfection, Jack mused.
Caught up in his reverie, Jack didn't register the sound of Victoria walking in the front door and removing her coat. His eyes shot open as she approached as said, "Jack."
Offering her a lazy grin, he pulled her into his arms without pausing in his dance and drew her into dancing with him. Half-heartedly, Victoria protested, "I'm wet."
"Really." Jack purred. Although he still wasn't in love with Victoria, her mourning had been a point of fascination for him since her parents' death. Sometimes the guilt was too much and he wouldn't touch her; but today Jack felt content and looking at her slightly bedraggled appearance he felt a flicker of desire.
"Not that kind of wet," his wife giggled. With mock sternness she informed him, "It's raining out, you know."
Releasing his hold on her, Jack knelt down. Lifting her skirt he gave her a wicked smile and said, "Hmmm, I've heard that old houses can make things very damp."
Victoria gave a little gasp as her husband pushed her panties to the side and started to trace the cleft of her sex with his tongue. Breathily she rambled, "Um, I- uh er- I met Jane for lunch and then we- ah! Went shopping."
Pulling back, his face the picture of innocence, Jack inquired, "Did you enjoy yourself?"
Scarcely able to breath, Victoria nodded as his mouth resumed it's attentions. "There was was a-a-a white sale at Neiman Marcus."
"You don't say," Jack teased. Hopefully he could keep her too dazed to express love and if he couldn't, then he would cross his fingers that later Victoria would get weepy over her parents once more. Sometimes when she wept, he found it very arousing but then she wasn't speaking of love either, he thought wryly. So far no mention of love and he hoped it would stay that way. Making the motions of his mouth more deliberate, he listened with amusement as his wife continued to try and remain coherent.
"I- I bought- ooo oh God um I bought some stuff-"
"Stuff?" he asked in amusement.
"Um, yeah. And then- oh God- And then I-I bumped into an old acquaintance. He- um ooooh uh-"
Pulling Victoria tightly against his mouth, Jack pushed her over the edge. Trembling she fell against him and he gently moved her to the floor. Enjoying her reaction and hoping to keep her mind off of love, Jack drawled jokingly, "Should I be jealous?"
"Huh?" she shook her head. Anxiously reaching for his fly and kissing him she said, "Hardly. He was with his mother."
"Mama's boy, is he?" Jack asked as he returned her kiss, his own breathing quickening as Victoria's hand wrapped around his arousal.
"A mama's boy and a pervert," his wife answered and wrapped her legs around him anxiously.
Kissing her once more, he rubbed the tip of his shaft against her. "So who was this social-"
Jack's words were lost in a groan as Victoria suddenly pulled him hard with her legs, drawing him in. He was surprised and amused by her actions as she demanded, "Less talking and more fucking."
As they coupled on the floor, Jack kept his mouth on Victoria's the entire time, only breaking apart long enough to draw breath. Each time she tried to offer anything but unintelligible sounds of pleasure, he deftly cut her off. Once he was satisfied his wife was beyond speaking, Jack allowed himself to get caught up in their mating.
Afternoon slipped into evening and they finally were breathless in their embrace on the floor, just as Jack was contemplating getting up and hoping to stave off the dreaded words, Victoria said, "I lo-"
"So who was the spineless fellow you ran into this afternoon?" Jack inquired, propping himself up on his elbow.
Still slightly dazed, Victoria said, "Oh him. Tom Water. Jane and I ran into him and his mother at the mall."
"I see. And was he holding his mother's purse like a good boy?" Jack teased.
Collapsing into a fit of giggles, his wife nodded, "As a matter of fact-"
"Not only that, but she was shopping for underwear!"
Making a slight face as he laughed, Jack remarked, "I'd say I'm somewhere between amusement and nausea at present."
"I'd have felt sorry for him if he wasn't so detestable."
"You probably won't run into him again any time soon, so there's an end to it."
Looking slightly sheepish, Victoria confessed, "Actually, we'll both be seeing him on Saturday night."
"And his wife and his mother. His mother insisted we come to a dinner party she's having, something about having an even number of couples."
"Speaking of dinner, I'm starved. Shall I order some Chinese?"
Victoria agreed and Jack stood up and walked to his desk. Sitting on the edge he dialed and began placing the order. His wife got up and knelt in front of the desk and began to lick his partially exposed cock. Placing his hand over the receiver, he jokingly chided, "You'll spoil your appetite."
She shrugged and continued as he finished ordering and then leaned back. Victoria made no move to stop and Jack allowed himself to enjoy her attentions until fifteen minutes later he finished just as the doorbell rang. Quickly pulling themselves together they answered the door and brought the food into the living room. As they feasted from the white cartons, Victoria said, "We don't have to go, you know."
"Go?" he inquired puzzled. Understanding dawning on him, he disagreed, "No. I think we'd better since you said we'd be there. Besides, it should be entertaining watching Mother Waters dote on her son while probably shooting daggers at her daughter-in-law- unless she approves of the twit that Tom strung along for several years."
"She doesn't. Mrs. Waters was only too happy to enlighten me. Even had the nerve to ask if Julianna's marriage was solid. She never met her but thinks coming from old money that Julianna was far more worthy of her son."
"Ugh, nouveau riche," Jack said with disdain.
"I feel sorry for his wife."
Looking at Victoria, Jack still didn't feel love, but he felt fortunate to be married to her. There were far worse choices he could have made. His in-laws for what little time he'd had them had been easy to deal with. Even though her professions of love made him uneasy, he was quite fortunate in many ways. Kissing Victoria he murmured, "I'm lucky I found you."
Sitting aside her dinner, she smiled. "You know, I didn't spoil my appetite earlier."
Moving his hands over her body, Jack said, "Then I am doubly fortunate."
Before he was caught up in the pleasure his own wife could offer, Jack felt an odd wave of pity for Tom Water's wife.