birggittPrompt: Profiler - Jack/Samantha - A Dead End for Them
Jack sighed as Samantha left. It was always the same. She would come to him for a night or a weekend. For hours they would lose themselves in each others arms and she would step into his world. Although she hadn't killed anyone, she had gone as far as helping him kill and had aided him in disposing of the body. So close to realizing her full potential and yet so far. Every time she entered his world, she would withdraw once more because she insisted Chloe needed her.
Why she insisted was beyond his comprehension. Chloe was old enough to survive without Sam and probably better off. His golden goddess was brilliant when it came to murder but clueless when it came to her daughter. Whatever maternal instincts she had were keeping them apart still and Jack hated it.
He'd tried reasoning with Samantha and once had even lowered himself to begging her. Neither had succeeded and he was tired of trying to convince her. They were at an impasse and it simply wouldn't do. Chloe was an obstacle keeping them apart and like all the other obstacles that had stood between them, she had to be removed. Only question was how.
Early in their affair, Samantha had made Jack promise not to kill Chloe. Breaking his word would be a simple matter but he couldn't risk Samantha finding out and hating him. No. Chloe Waters needed to die, but not by his hand. Sitting down at his computer, Jack laced his fingers together and cracked his knuckles thoughtfully before beginning to type. Searching the database of open cases, he started skimming for possible candidates. All he had to do was arrange for Chloe to cross paths with the right killer and then sit back and watch.
Samantha would be devastated, but he would be there to comfort her. After she solved the case, she would leave the VCTF and join him. Chloe's death might be just what his beloved needed to push her over the precipice and into his world forever. Casting a tender smile at Samantha's picture on his desk, Jack returned to his task of finding the right man to help take care of the final barrier between them.