Title: A Fate Worse Than
Author: M. Elizabeth Ravensblood
Rating: A - Adult, Non-Consensual Sexual Activity
Pairing: Angelus/Willow
Summary: Willow wasn't on the phone when she discovers her fish are dead in Passion and she also isn't alone.
Author's Notes: This is for my friend
Willow dropped the string of dead fish and backed away in shock. A scream rose up inside her as she backed into a solid male figure and arms wrapped around her tightly. One hand quickly covered her mouth and her cry for help was muffled. Terrified, Willow struggled in her captor's embrace.
In her ear and all too familiar voice admonished, "Willow, we wouldn't want to raise the alarm so I have to slaughter your parents, would we?"
She shook her head. Despite the distance Willow felt with her parents, she didn't want to see them hurt. Angel would kill them, she thought. Or rather Angelus, she corrected herself as her mind brought forth the wealth of horrible exploits she'd read about him. The hand eased from her mouth moving down to her throat. Willow gulped, was he going to drain her and kill her or worse still turn her?
"Killing you is too easy," Angelus drawled as if reading her thoughts.
His grip like iron, he propelled Willow towards the bed and a new panic filled her as strong hands began to tear her clothing. Trembling with fear and her cheeks flush with embarrassment, she was quickly divested of her clothing. Angelus laughed softly and turned her to face him, his hand forcing her chin up to meet his gaze.
"Relax Willow. I'm not going to rape you," he said and pushed her back on the bed. Moving his head between her thighs, he promised in deceptively sweet tone, "I'm going to do something far worse. Yours isn't merely a fate worse than death."
One hand pressed against her chest between her breasts to hold her down as the other slid over her stomach in a light caress. Involuntarily, Willow gasped as the vampire's mouth slid over her sex. Desperately she tried to think of a means of escape or to withdraw her mind from the unwelcome touches between her thighs. But the movement of his tongue that had centuries of practice forced her to remain very much aware. Tears of shame began to sting her eyes as her sex began slick and wet under Angelus' skilled ministrations. Tension filled her body as she trembled on the brink and then let out a stifled cry.
Between her thighs, Angelus' face shifted and he smiled wickedly at her as he purred, "I promised it would be far worse than rape."
His tongue slid inside her as he met her gaze, he licked the thin barrier and pressed just hard enough to elicit a small yelp from the red haired girl.
"Don't worry, I plan to leave you, in tact," he mocked. "If I took you, you would be able to tell Buffy and she would be so sweet and understanding. Xander and Giles would be outraged."
Angelus rose and pulled her to her feet. Pulling her towards the mirror on her closet door, he continued, "But this? This is something you won't be able to tell them."
His hand at her throat, Willow was pinned to his chest as they stood before the mirror. She tried to turn her head away but the vampire's grip was too strong.
"Look at yourself," he commanded.
Willow tried once more to turn away and finally stared at the mirror a few feet ahead of them. Only her image was reflected. Her skin was bare, evidence of desire still gave her body a telltale flush. Between her thighs the petals of her sex was pink and swollen, still shining with her arousal. He was right, she couldn't tell her friends. How could she tell them Angelus had touched her and made her climax, but that he hadn't taken her virginity!? It sounded crazy even in her mind.
His fingers slid between her thighs, quickly finding the spot that made her quiver. In her ear, Angelus began to whisper his plans for her friends. Continuing to touch her, the vampire assured her that she would give into him and that perhaps one day he would touch her this way in front of Xander before killing him. Her body at the mercy of his fingers, Willow felt horrified as pleasure mounted within her once more. In the mirror she saw herself climaxing as Angelus continued to drip poison into her ear. The skillful manipulation as he forced her to watch herself continued on until the only thing Willow was aware of was the wicked ecstasy coursing through her and Angelus' presence.
Finally, he eased his hold on her and let her sink to the ground. A moment later he was gone. Still shuddering from the physical sensation, she tried to stand but could only manage to raise her head up. Her face and body reflected, Willow stared unseeingly at her image. Clarity slowly dawned on her and tears began to fall. He'd promised he wouldn't rape her, that she wouldn't suffer the fate worse than death as it was referred to in his mortal days. Angelus had been correct, he'd given her a fate far worse. Lying on the floor, Willow wept silently, knowing the fate that awaited her...