Mar 31, 2008 11:06
Name/LJ name: Melissa/nionealmare
Age: 28
Location: Chicago
Partner's name: Sean
Due date: 6/22/08
Reason for joining: I'm joining because I started my pregnancy under the care of a midwife, but after my first appointment at 8 weeks or so was classified as high risk because of slightly elevated blood pressure and a fast pulse. The midwife referred me to an ob in her practice, who then sent me to a doctor in a high risk practice. I've been seeing either the ob or the high risk dr every other week for most of my pregnancy, and am assuming that at any point I'll start seeing a doctor every week :( I'm currently 28W3D, and my blood pressure has been hanging out in the 130/80 range, so no intervention has been needed yet. I'm just being watched closely.
I'd love to hear other people's stories about natural births with high blood pressure (whether you've had one or are pregnant and hoping for one like I am). I'm still hopeful that I can make it to term without medication (or a diagnosis of preeclampsia) and will deliver naturally, but I am concerned that my doctors may get intervention happy. Too add to my blood pressure worries, I'm also overweight (260/size 20 when I conceived), so I always worry that this high risk classification was made in part because of my size...that my doctors just assumed I would be high risk, so they are treating me as such.