With the incoherent post out of the way, it is now time for more ‘serious’ things. Wait, I must first change my language bar to French, so that I can type properly.
Ah, Better! This one of the reasons why I hate the computers at school. The other ones are that they are always taken /a class is there or the germs that the keyboards have. In one of the computer labs, someone dropped some sort of burrito, and it incrusted in the keyboard, guess who uses that computer? No one! You guessed right!
Let’s move on. You can skip if you don’t want to read.
On a more serious matter that I just to write and get out of the way, is that I received my midterm grades a week and a half ago and they are just bad. Like really, really bad. I just passed 2 courses on 7, at the moment. There is some that are just under the passing grade. They are not good, but I know that if I just do the rest of the session just right, I’ll be able to pass those classes easily. The others where they are more in the 20-40 % vicinity will be a problem. They are the courses where I have a hard time understanding the course matter (such as Macroeconomics) and where the teacher is just not coherent. (Politics). I have papers to give in all my courses, which will raise my grade significantly, but at the same time it will be a big challenge to pass. I know part of this is my fault, as I didn’t really study and didn’t go to teachers to help me with the courses.
I went to the academic adviser where she asked if I would be better off in a French CEGEP, which by the way is no, because I studied in English all my life and I’ll be worst off.
The problem with me not passing my courses is that I am disappointed in my courses (I wanted courses that pertained to Psychology and not to everyday life), and that I am not organized.
Now to help myself, I’m seeing a counselor once a week to organize myself in my course work and at home.
With only 5 weeks left before the exams, I have not a lot of time to up my grades (even though the 80% of the grades are in those important 6 weeks), but at least I’m helping myself to try and pass the courses so that I don’t get thrown out of the CEGEP.
People I am scared that it will happen. But I tell to myself that it’s important that I don’t fall into the fear and do the best that I can.
Now to more lighthearted matters, I’m writing this during Methodology (I know! Bad Marie, Bad Marie!), with germ infested keyboards! Suppose to write my term paper but the forgetful person I am, I forgot my outline on my bed. Anyways, I must say that writing papers during class and lunch helps me a lot, as I have more free time to write my other papers and watch TV at home
My term paper is on the violence on TV, like taking a fiction story from CSI or Criminal Minds and recreating this in real life. It’s a little bit vague even with my outline but I know that It will be an awesome paper!
Now, to even awesomer things. Who watched Bones yesterday? Wasn’t it awesome? I do think that Sweets and Daisy’s thing is the sweetest thing ever! Not getting more precise than that, as some people haven’t watched it yet. But I must say that Bones passing a day earlier in Canada, maybe the weirdest schedule ever, but it’s just fun for me!
And don’t ever try and watch any shows in French. The dubbing is just awful!
And Doctor Who! Even if I don't like the looks of the new Doctor, I'll try to watch it, as like his personality in the clips I watched today. And his companion is just beautiful! Plus I found someone in my classes that just adored Doctor Who and with her we just fangirl together during Gym. :P
I heard from her that the new season is passing tomorrow in the UK. Here in Canada, it starts in two weeks. To watch it in Advance or not and to kill or not to kill my bandwith? This is the questionUgh, just terrible)
I’ll go now, as I will try and finish my Introduction of my term paper now, even if I don’t have anything to work with.
Bonne Journée a tout le monde!