Two weeks of vacation. I'm so happy. Although, I can't quite relax during these two weeks.
I'll be going to Ottawa for a few days to supervise loading my belongings into a storage container and having the container shipped to BC. I can hardly wait. Soon, I'll have access to all my books and video tapes and THINGS that I've had to do without for the last few years (moving stuff across country is EXPENSIVE!).
Before and after my trip to Ottawa, I have to plan events for
NaNoWriMo since I'm a Municipal Liaison (ML) for my city. I heard that the library workers will be back to work soon (I thought their union had rejected the deal, but the Library board accepted so they are going back? very confusing), so I can check out the library facilities for meeting spaces. I think they charge too much to rent out rooms, but it is worth checking out. Also, there are community centers I can check out(their union workers just went back to work this week). Or maybe I should just look into setting up an online chat and hosting online writing meetings during the week. So much to think about.
And at some point, I should actually think what I'm going to write for NaNoWriMo this year! Ah well, that can wait. I'll make my decision when I start writing, the same as I do every year.
Speaking of NaNoWriMo, I was at a company fun event the other day chatting with colleagues about what I do when I'm not writing documentation. Two of the men that I talked with mentioned that their partner participated in NaNoWriMo. The one I knew about but not the other. Maybe they'll come out to events this year.