Highmoon Games at GenCon

Aug 03, 2010 17:00

Originally published at Highmoon's Ponderings. Please leave any comments there.

In less than 24 hours I head to Indianapolis for that yearly gathering of awesome we call Gen Con. Though Highmoon Games will not “officially” be exhibiting anything, I (why, that would be me, Daniel M. Perez) will be there nonetheless, which means that Highmoon Games is there as well.

I’ll be working with Rogue Games for the duration of the con; you can find us at booth #1539. Drop by, say hi, and check out the great games the Rogues have for you, like Colonial Gothic, Thousand Suns and Shadow, Sword & Spell - Basic.

Aside from that, I will be wandering the hall and enjoying myself to no end. Oh yes, and running games. I’m running two games in particular that are of interest to fans of Highmoon Games:
  • ICONS Superpowered Roleplaying - I’m doing a short and fun scenario for Adamant Entertainment’s superhero game, ICONS, Friday 8/6 from 3-6 PM, in which the villainous RULES LAWYER must be stopped before he erases all games from existence. Who can help? Enter THE CONVENTIONEERS! I still have player slots available for this game; if you are interested, see this post and leave a comment.
    Check out the cover:

  • I’m also doing a playtest of the vampire roleplaying game I have been working on, working title: When The Fall… This one will be Saturday night.

These are both projects that will eventually see release through Highmoon Games, so keep an eye out.

Catch you at Gen Con!


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