Farewell 2010, Hello 2011

Jan 03, 2011 15:21

Originally published at Highmoon's Ponderings. Please leave any comments there.

I always find it weird when recaps of the year are done still during the month of December. I mean, the year’s not over yet! But now, firmly in 2011 territory, it is a good time to say bye-bye to 2010 in a very quick retrospective.

It’s always hard to judge how good a year was. It seems that every year I get to December thinking “good riddance,” but the truth is that there’s always a mixture of good and bad to each 12-month period. The past year, 2010, was no exception.

It was a hard year for me for reasons that normally do not make it into this blog but rather into my personal journal. It was trying at times, extremely challenging in ways that I simply do not want to deal with again if I have the choice, and simply draining. It was the year that I had to accept that I needed psychological help to deal with a number of issues, least of them the lingering grief over the death of my mother in 2009, and that was the kind of journey that you look back at and feel great you did it but also realize it felt your feet and hands bloodied and raw as you clawed your way up the mountain. To run with the metaphor, I’ve only reached a plateau, and I’ve still more of the cliff-face to climb in 2011, but hey, the view’s great from where I am now.

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end of year, nursing, editorials

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