Originally published at
Highmoon's Ponderings. Please leave any
comments there.
After not gaming since Gen Con, I am pee-in-my-pants excited about the
Dragon Age game my friend Enrique (aka
NewbieDM) will be running this coming Wednesday (12/22) night. I know absolutely nothing of the Dragon Age brand as I’ve never played the computer game, but the pen-n-paper RPG published by Green Ronin is just absolutely evocative in its retro-style to “old-school” roleplaying games and its simple treatment of the world of Dragon Age, which is all I need to get into it.
Enrique said to go ahead and build my character so after reading the Dragon Age RPG Player’s Guide, I came up with the following player character for the game. I’m sure once I sit down at the table and meet the rest of the players/party there will be tweaks, but this is my PC as it stands now. Without further ado, I give you Gwydion Ar Calennar O Stormhold.
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