Quizzes Are Fun!

Aug 23, 2008 08:29

Your result for The Heart Test...
Soldier of Fortune

You are 30% Independent, 10% Idealistic, 20% Intimate, and 30% Indulgent!

The Soldier of Fortune

Dependent, Realistic, Passionate, Explicit

You are the most ravenous of hearts, the Soldier of Fortune. You desire love, but on your terms and no one elses. You are a passionate person who knows what you want. Love is something to hunt out, and when you find it you will guard it under your watchful eye. You are a mercenary of love, seeking love fervently, and likely to treat it as a trophy once it has been snared.

Matches for the Soldier of Fortune:

The Healer's Heart
The Healer's Heart

Healers are independent, which is something you need, as those more submissive than you will find themselves in a relationship they can't appreciate. Healers also value harmony, so they will work to make the relationship work and press you to value you as a couple, rather than individuals. The healer, like you, is realistic and passionate, both qualities you easily relate to.

The Reclusive Heart

The Reclusive Heart is independent, which is something you need, as those more submissive than you will find themselves in a relationship they can't appreciate. Reclusive Hearts also value harmony, so they will work to make the relationship work and press you to value you as a couple, rather than individuals. You may not understand their intimate loving style, but it is a good offset to your passionate style, and you both can learn to appreciate each other's differences. The Reclusive is a realist, a quality you can easily relate to.

Your exact opposite is The Heart of Gold.

Though they may be tempting, avoid relationships with other Dependents and Explicits. These relationships are tiring and frustrating for you, though you may be initially attracted to them at first.
Take The Heart Test at HelloQuizzy

Your result for The Supervillain Archetype Test...
The Megalomaniac

Ambitious, Intelligent, Calculating

The Megalomaniac is the most prestigious of super-villain classes. If anyone is ever going to rule the world, it will probably be you.

Your main goal in life is power and domination, you have the tools to do it, and you know it. Megalomaniacs are intelligent and forceful, and they tend not to let their emotions cloud their judgment. Most of the time. They are usually found, or not found, working at the top of a huge structured organization, though many prefer to work by themselves.

The Megalomaniac has but one flaw, but its an invariably fatal one; arrogance. He knows that he can take over the world, and he isn't afraid to let you know, often elaborately and in great detail. They often do not foresee the fly in their ointment, because they do not want to admit that such a fly could exist.

Sample Megalomaniacs: Dr. Doom, Lex Luthor, Ras al'Ghul, Kang the Conqueror, Emperor Palpatine, Brain

Take The Supervillain Archetype Test at HelloQuizzy

So, guess which one of these quizzes is most accurate? (The other I have no idea on, really I don't....)

No apologies for f-list. ^^

the supervillain archetype test, the heart test, quizzes

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