20 facts about the girl with the laserbeam eyes;

Mar 13, 2007 23:41

who; Haruka Ishida burstlight
game; resolutionremix

  1. Haruka has almost forgotten she really isn't 21. She's so accustomed to her adjusted age, she doesn't really even feel like she's three years younger than she says she is.

  2. Her last boyfriend before the end of the world shtick was a guy named Chuck. Chuck was an artist, good at conversation, but he had no idea what he was doing in the bedroom. Haruka broke up with him after she slept with Hayden the first time.

  3. Haruka has been pregnant. She was going to carry the baby to term and put it up for adoption, but she ended up losing it in her fifth month. Since that accident, she's been extremely careful about her birth control methods.

  4. Haruka will not date someone who recognizes her from her porno days. It's unlikely she'll sleep with them, either. This is because the person depicted on the screen and who she actually is in an intimate situation differ severely, most of the time.

  5. Haruka didn't use her real name while she was in porn, she used a "stage name." Sakura Rose, as picked by her manager. She always thought it was dumb, but it fit her image, so she accepted it.

  6. Her favorite color is red, which is fairly obvious.

  7. Haruka remains friends with several of the people she met during her time in porn, although she doesn't stay in close contact with any of them.

  8. She considers herself a poor leader, a terrible judge of character, and more cynical than she has a right to be.

  9. She likes to wear heels. She's already a fairly tall person, but she likes being taller.

  10. Haruka is completely comfortable in her own skin. She doesn't feel the need to get surgery or adjust the way she looks in any way.

  11. While she has smoked her share of weed and tried various things that can be inhaled, Haruka would never go near anything that requires a needle. She doesn't like needles.

  12. There's a tattoo on her back just to the left of her right hip of a sakura blossom. Gotten while she was still in porn, and she swears she'll never get another one.

  13. Haruka doesn't know or care what her parents are up to these days. She left them behind, put them behind her, and as far as she's concerned, they're dead and buried.

  14. Haruka is a citizen of the United States, and her paperwork legally states her birthday as 1977.

  15. Despite coming off a lot of the time as an emotionally disconnected vixen who can float from person to person without much effort, there's few things Haruka loves more than to just curl up next to a warm body with a cup of coffee. She rarely gets the opportunity, however, as it's not expected of her.

  16. She doesn't ever plan to have children, and doesn't even see herself getting married. Her future isn't exactly one she has ever contemplated.

  17. Her accent has been carefully eliminated from her voice. When she first moved to America her Japanese accent was very prominent in her voice, but she's worked to kill it to the point where unless she's very drunk or very tired, you can't tell she was born outside of America.

  18. Haruka is a cheerful drunk. She's very open with people, giggly, snuggly, and affectionate. Some people who know a sober Haruka find this alarming.

  19. Haruka glowed the first time she had a climax after awakening her abilities. This was disturbing for her partner at the time, and he never called her back. She hasn't been able to figure out how to make her body do anything similar since, although she has figured out how to suppress it so it doesn't happen again.

  20. Haruka has held sixteen jobs in the past year since quitting porn, and half she's been kicked out of for either talking back to customers or getting into fights with other staff. The latter she claims are never her fault.

20 facts, haruka ishida, resolution remix

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