Dec 11, 2005 00:12
hello journal.
its been a little while hasnt it?
wait has it?
today i went to jordans and hung out with her, then i went to jacks and hung out with him, then we went to see michelle and hung out with her. then we got questioned by the cops and jack cut his lip open on ice or something, and. yeah thats it.
my chrsitmas tree is up. now it finally feels like christmas.
i just had a romantic epiphany. not that im really sounding or acting like it right now, i just figured that its none of your business to know. whoever you are.
i cant wait to play our show at the grange on the seventeenth. i love the grange. theres a walgreens right next to the store where i can buy energy supplements, and then you can just chill in the basement and do whatever until its time to go upstairs and perform. the only thing that sucks is the bathroom. the bathroom sucks bigtime. but i still love it.
i also loved rehearsing harmonies with ben outside at night in the pouring rain huddled under the back porch at the grange. i also loved just throwing chairs and jumping around to get rady for the show. and screaming at the mcdonalds people in darrens car. and singing into a megaphone, and watching jack piss on the bad guys shirt, and rushing to get equipment into three seperate cars in a crazy downpour.
i love the grange. ican tell that im gonna make lots of memories there. LOTS OF THEM.
so, i, REALLY like my girlfriend, and i REALLY like life.
and our records being sold on the internet.
and were making money and crap.
and its pretty awesome.
which will just be so much better then our first and second EPs.
hopefully we can produce it.
i think god really loves me today.
well bye, lovely journal.