A little bummed out

Dec 31, 2006 21:04

Today, how appropriate, I returned my car to the company and officially said goodbye to everybody there.

Car-less... again...

And tonight is New-Year's-Eve. Maybe I'll sit and write some somber recap of this passing year (which, I guess, was not all bad, but I don't let it cramp my style). I can probably make some new-year resolution, but they will only come to haunt me back when I don't fulfill them. I'm going to spend the evening watching a couple of football matches (the Patriots are in the playoffs again and the Bears - my brother's long-time favourite team [and thus - I have a warm spot for them] are looking extremely sharp).

2007 is starting. Things are going to change, I know that. But somehow I feel that no matter what the change will be on the outside, not a lot of things will change in the inside.

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