(no subject)

Jun 15, 2005 02:23

It is probably futile to try and write something meaningful here. Hell, I'd settle for something coherent that has a point. That too seems to be futile.

They should invent a gizmo that consists of one, red button. When you press that button, time just jumps 1 week. If you press and hold - it jumps a year. I so don't want to deal with anything right now, but it seems like I'm forced to. I never perform good under pressure.

I've been trying to sort out some basic concepts -- it's not the first time I tried it (examples here, here and here). I just don't know. I don't know if there are straight definitions for those basics -- like what's good and what's bad. What makes someone a good or bad friend or a good/bad person? Is acknowledgement or recognition a part of it?

The more I think of it, I think I can recognize at least three scales I'm using. One is for the general public, the other is for my friends and the third one is for me. I don't know why I do that. Why I expect from myself thing I never would have dreamed of asking other people?

I lost my train of thought. This keeps happening more and more frequently.

Let's move on to Bad Analogy of the Day (ta-da!)
Life is like a pump.
It can inflate you with joy, happiness and fuzzy kittens and it can deflate you in a minute.

Or is life like a beach ball? with all the inflating and deflating? Water mattress? bah! never mind that.

How was your holiday, by the way? I had a cheese cake and some cream puffs my mom made. There was also an apple strudel, but I don't really eat that. What more, there was a show at the kibbutz which featured all the tractors and other agricultural heavy machinery. I guess Shavu'ot is a holiday meant to be spent in a kibbutz... where they actually bring first fruits (sort of).

Edie Brickell has a song titled Circle. My former boss used to play it out loud almost every day. It's a sad song, but I don't think I actually listened to the lyrics back then. All I heard was the chorus. It's a good chorus -- "I quit, I give up, nothing's good enough for anybody else".

God damn it! I knew it was futile to try and make a point. I have random quotes running through my head, and I know they all come together somehow, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how.

I think Latin is cool. Some things just sound better in Latin. Take this sentence for example "Vīta hūmāna est supplicium". Doesn't it have a nice sound to it?

I'll just give up for tonight. I've wasted enough "internet" for one night.

pointless babble, whining, bummer

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