(no subject)

May 16, 2005 02:24

(disclaimer: I'm dead tired. It's probably not a good idea to post anything at this hour, but I never was one to listen to "logic"... Anyhow, all spelling, grammar and logic mistakes that may be in the following post is due to the hour and my state of wakefulness)

I never considered myself a hypocrite. I'm a good politician, but I'm not two faced. If I don't like someone I don't act as if I do. I can juggle a little with words and sentences to avoid hurting someone's feelings, but I don't pretend to like someone and then go badmouthing him to the next person I meet.

I am now faced with a situation where I must deal with someone I dislike very much. I can't simply go and tell him I think he's a windbag and his opinions and thoughts don't mean shit to me, and I feel like a two faced SOB when I have to fake interest (or fake wakefulness for that matter) when he babbles on and on without having the faintest idea what the fuck he's talking about.

In an unrelated topic (yeah, right) - I hate it that when I argue with someone he complains that I claim I'm right and he's wrong. DUH! WTF? Only reason I argue about something is because I think I'm right about that specific thing and I think the other guy has it all wrong (mostly because he's a stupid git and a windbag, but never mind that)

I hate stupid people. Correction - I hate stupid people who insist on standing in my way. I hate them even more when they are loud, obnoxious and relentless.

These were 230 words on Dubi hating people.

pointless babble, bummer, complaints

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