finally home.

Mar 26, 2005 23:12

Yea, about that last entry. Disregard. Kthnx.

Just got back from the cruise. Have been awake for 20 hours now. Got to the airport in New Orleans at 9:30AM. Flight was supposed to leave at 12:30. But because of hail and bad weather in Florida, the flight was delayed FOUR hours. Left New Orleans at 4:30PM. Landed at LAX at 6:30PM. Had to catch the last plane flying to Sacramento that night, which luckily was scheduled to leave at 7:30. But for some reason, it was delayed an hour. So finally, at 8:30, we left LA. Landed in Sacramento at 9:30, and arrived at the house at 10:30, 16 hours after we originally started the trip home.

At least our luggage didn't get lost.

And now for a college update.

Acceptances: UW, UCSD, UCSB
Rejections: UCLA
Waitlisted: Boston College
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