Sep 27, 2006 21:17
Velvet Goldmine is officially my new favourite movie. Wow. I wish I lived in the seventies. Today was my first time watching it and I already downloaded the entire soundtrack. words can describe how I felt when I watched that movie. You want to be there. You want to be there so badly it almost kills you. It also made me realize how boring bands are these days. The music is good. But the bands are boring. We need another David Bowie-like person or something with crazy-ass costumes and witty things to say, lots of glittery make-up and insane music...and a british accent just for the hell of it coz it adds perfectly to the image. Either that or something totally new, but exciting and strange and beautiful all at the same time.
And that whole Oscar Wilde shit was so random, but I liked the idea and how he was like the 'glam-rocker' in them days.
On a more depressing note, I'm sick, have a cold and I've been wheezing like a motherfucker, I can literally hear my lungs singing (actually it sounds more like trapped demon souls from hell screaming to be set free) when I inhale and exhale. This reslults in me not smoking since Monday morning. Okay, I'll admit. I sneaked a cigarette this afternoon. Bad idea.