Oct 14, 2009 17:54
I feel as if I'm that incompetent 16 year old, sitting in front of my computer and writing futile aspects of my life on this site. Now, I sit here, almost 20 years old still incompetent of making decision and a mind feeble to accept this world as the "world" we are jocular to be apart of. Improvement? I think I'm worst than how I was when I was 16. Reality is a glimpse of what haunts me, truth is a virtue I can neglect to capture in its purity, love is an absence of comfort that I'm beginning to doubt just as much as I doubt the existence of "God". Having a feeble mind in a society where the government justifies stupidity, I'm underestimating my potential and handing the government what they want-a helpless, unintelligent minority, but I'm going to prevail beyond their expectations of what they are making this world into.
Who is John Galt? I wish he was a real person, so he can take me to the world I saw when I was younger........oh hell.