Nov 06, 2008 01:41
That's all I can conclude after Prop 8 passed. It's infuriating that someone out there was able to force my tax dollars to be spent deliberating over something government has no business deciding. It's infuriating that the majority of citizens of this state have decided that they like discrimination. It's disgusting to realize how easily people can be duped into giving up the freedoms that our Constitutions were so painstakingly crafted to ensure we could never lose.
To all of you who voted for Prop 8: you are morons. You are fear-driven animals, not rational human beings with minds of your own. Next time you'll probably vote for the law that regulates who you can fall in love with, and who you can make friends with. And after that you'll vote for the law that tells you when to laugh and when to breathe and when to take a crap. You're mindless idiots that will put all of us in shackles just from your own stupidity.
Any time you vote for a law that controls what your neighbor can do, you've taken away your own rights as well, you stupid dumbass. You think you've voted to protect your way of life but in reality you've helped destroy all of our lives. You've just put one more nail into all of our coffins. You're the reason George Orwell's vision of 1984 has become a reality, and you don't even realize what you've done. To yourself. To all of us.
Why don't you just climb into a pod and stick tubes into your body right now and save some time. (cf The Matrix...)
Or, better yet, wake the hell up and quit dancing to the puppetmasters' strings. Realize that you're just giving your support to a faceless powermonger who doesn't give a damn about you or your values. A shadow ruler who is *NOT* on your side, and who will steamroll right over you just as soon as you've given up enough of your rights. WAKE UP!!