Oct 29, 2007 09:33
yesterday i was in the city visiting my brother who lives in botany bay. i was rifling through his dvd's looking for something to put on, chose Corpse Bride for the kids, but as i stood up my lower back went out, i couldnt even bend 2 cm's to press the play button. agony ensued. he lives 4 flights up in a flat, i figured throwing myself down the stair well would be less painfull than currently, but somehow i managed. i cant straighten up, i am bent over like a 90 year old man, using a cane to walk. i can sit upright, sleep in the bent position and with difficulty i can lay straight, but not stand straight.
at least today the screaming pain has diminished, it's still sharp but the tourrets is over.
i'm going to put "Return of the living dead" on and climb back into bed. i wanted to spend the day playing "half-life 2 ep 2" but it's too painful to sit for long.