I heart Band People :)

Nov 07, 2004 20:22

Wow i haven't updated this journal in a while yay for band journals! Even tho i'm probaly the only person that actually has a "band journal" lol yea so i practiced a ton for marching band and some Wind Ensemble and stuff, i didn't have lessons today being since i couldn't make a later lesson cause Taby was teaching someone and it was brothers bday and stuff so yea i hope i start doing better in Wind Ensemble cause right now i think i'm really sucking, or maybe its just Steve and Cameron intimidating me lol by their great playing abilities, idk if music is what i want to do for sure, i know i love music, but, just idk if thats really what i want to do with my life, i'm so lost, i think if i took the time to talk to one of my older friend about it like for example i did Kelly i'd feel much better, i feel so lost in my life right now. So many commas lol, , , , comma,lol.
Well i still don't know if i should tell cough cough that i like him should i? Or should i try waiting or just don't at all, or have someone else do it? Please i need your help! lol Yea so anywayz i was on the DMV site today and i was checking which lisence plates are not take and i tried "2PRPL4U" and it wasn't taken! hell ya to purple for you! lol i'm so getting that put on my TRUCK that i will get when i grow up with the lisence plate frame "silly boys, trucks are for girls" lol big dreams Sarah, anywho i'm going to go practice Canzo Fugato and Hymm, o joy lol then i'm going to study and possibly go to bed at a reasonable time w00t w00t for sleep! i know i won't get any this crazy upcoming busy week lol, later people.

<3 Sarah
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