Jun 15, 2005 19:42
I want to say congrats to Catie first and foremost, you rock Catie, and you looked so good in your cap and gown, I am so proud of you, you will go so far in life that you'll outdistance us all.
Now, on to the more random and sober thoughts running through my head.
You know, there doesn't ever seem to be enough time for anything, not really. And I've come to realize that most of the time we get we waste more than anything, its sad really, but at the moment I have no idea how to change the time I waste into something more useful.
Hanging out with friends and family is never a waste of time, never. I don't particulary think reading is a waste of time, but I guess that fits into the whole hobby thing huh? lol, to each their own I guess.
You know, its weird to think of how precious time really is, I didn't really think that much about it, but when you get slapped in the face with mortality, it kind of makes you realize that life is short, and is in desperate need to be lived.
I went to work on monday, everyone was quiet, and I didn't feel like saying anything, so I didn't ask any questions. I had someone say they felt like their head was about to explode, so on the way to the front desk I asked why. She looked over at me and said "you don't know?" I kind of gave her a confused look and she got all quiet, then said "Laura died this morning"
It was odd, it didn't sink in at first, hells, Laura had been there 2 days earlier, I'd seen her. Apparently she fell asleep at the wheel and hit the median, rolling her car and was killed. She was only 17.
It puts life into perspective, you know, having someone you know die suddenly, I feel absolutely horrible for her family and the other girls at work, most of them were closer to her than I was, you know how it takes me time to get to know people, but still, I worked with her, and I knew her. Work was a blur that night, and Amber and Rosie took me out that night, none of us wanted to be alone or go home, so we drove, walked down on the boardwalk, and talked. It helped alot, I think.
I've decided to take a semester off of school, work through the summer and the fall and hopefully earn enough money to go to U of I in the spring. I want to go badly, but its not looking like I'll be able to afford it for this fall, so I'll just work harder and try for later. I need to talk to a councelor about what classes I should take to get my degree anyway, so this just opens my time up a little more. Which in its own way is a great relief.
So I've decided that skittles it the worlds greatest candy, yep, and that next to chocolate, they should be worshiped. I know, weirdness, but what is life without randomness and the ability to be weird.
I have another idea, instead of saving up to go to college in the spring, I should save up to go to europe instead. I mean hell, I need to get out, to live a little, I know that going to U of I would be a good place to start my 'get a life' mode, but hell, we only live once, and I plan on living it well and as full as I can, I've wanted to travel since I was a little girl, I shouldn't let myself get in the way. I know of a trip leaving next summer that is going to Italy and Greece, of $5,000, or, if I do go to the college, I should apply to be an exchange student, that would rock beyond all compare.
The most important lessons in life, I think are to be good to other people and to just have fun. Live, experiance as much as you possibly can, move on with life, don't spend it it the past, don't dwell on the negative, be happy and try to get out there, love as oftern as you can and with all that you are able to give. If you fall, get back up, hurts heal, and its worth it to keep on going. Don't get stuck on the side of the road, or stuck following someone elses path, make your own path and live the hell out of life while you are still able.