Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow - HL/SPN - Immortal!Uncle Dean

Jun 17, 2008 00:58

Title: Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow - The Immortal!Uncle Dean Stories
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: Clarksmuse
Prompt: spawnfic_tues; #36 Smell for crossovers100. My table is here

Fandom: Immortal!Dean ‘verse - SPN/HL
Characters Dean Winchester, Richie Ryan and Samuel (Mule) Winchester Jr., Mentions of JD Winchester
Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators. Winchester spawn and their mother are mine

Summary: Mule is initiated into the Winchester prank war tradition in spectacular fashion. Sequel to Green-Eyed Monster

A/N: JD is sixteen and Mule is thirteen. They are the children of Sam and Katie in the Immortal!Dean Universe. Immortal!Uncle Dean Spawn Stories can be found here

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow


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